Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I lost one of my beloved pets today;
not one minute did he stay into this February day.
He slept comfortably in his owners lap
and slipped into Death as if it was a nap.
By the stroke of midnight, he had gone
and will be in his new place before the light of dawn.
He was benevolent and a tad bit sprite;
he would lay prone on his back in the morning sunlight.
He radiates love from large amber eyes
which never stopped even after he dies.
He was born within this house, into my own hand
and never left his home until Death's demand.
I will love my black and white cow-cat wherever he may be
and I am glad it was our hands of love that set him free.

I love you, Renoir! You were a good kitty and I will miss your sweet presence, especially in the morning while you wait at the door so patiently and routinely. I hope you had a great life! Your name sake was a French artist that died of starvation and exposure; I am glad that you died loved, plump, and at peace in your own home.

Rest in peace, sweet kitty!
03/05/1998 at 5:55pm - 02/01/06 at 12:00am

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Lynda is dancing on the ceiling,
she has been pushed too far.
Vaporized and historized...
She knows who her friends are.
Smiling down with her crown
of circling stars,
she's the spirit of the town
and life of the bars.
Cheers to another dead friend, you...
Cheers to another life ... missing.
She is the white, red, and, oh so, blue
that Death has been kissing.
So you talk the talk when you need to
wondering if anyone... missed you.
Just another light gone out?
I know you have your doubt.
You think you are reduced
to no more than a feeling
but, the whole world still isn't used
to the blow of this dealing.
The cards do not say
if you are here or away.
If your gone or here as a wraith
comes down to mere faith.
Lynda is laughing at the thought
of being away or even just not...
The dark of being left behind...
She's waiting on her sunshine.
God knows she has the flames
and heat that she wears.
She always had those burning embers
in every one of those copper hairs.
I got a long taxi ride to where you are
so for now I just look through the glass
watching the world fly by this car
hoping I don't run out of gas.
Lynda is smiling by my side
on my shoulder her head can rest.
On these days when the Sun's rays hide
I can feel you best.

Mrs. Jesus

Life lines
and suicide crimes --
he found me in a state
grabbed her purse
and hitched a Ride
with a Mrs. Jesus
"how you been"
I've been cruisin'
a good invention
but in some ways
I don't think
it gets any easier
your walking on the water Bit
by far my favourite one,
But now it seems we're drowning
in a drop of water, Love
and even as I'm climbing up
the stairs I know there's
Heaven there and then
Empty arms that comes
with the Morning Star
well, made my bed
of cut roses
by understanding
that the cause
It just comes first
with my Mrs. Jesus
the Gospel changes meaning
If you follow John or Paul
and could you ever
Let it be
the Mary of it all
and even as I'm climbing up
the stairs I know there's
Heaven there and then
Empty arms that comes
with the Morning Star
well, Life Lines and suicide crimes
there's something every day
and there's someone always
paging my Mrs. Jesus
your walking on the water Bit
by far my favourite one,
But now it seems we're drowning
in a drop of water, Love
and even as I'm climbing up
the stairs I know there's
Heaven there and then
Empty arms that comes
with the Morning Star
so if you get the Jones
at the crossroad
the personals are great
If you're my way
let me love you Mrs. Jesus

& Hurricane

I'm not sure who's fooling who here
as I'm watching your decay
We both know you could deflate
a 7 hurricane
Seems like you and your tribe
decided you'd rewrite the law
Segregate the mind
From Body and Soul
You give me yours
I'll give you mine
cause I can look your God
right in the eye
You give me yours
I'll give you mine
You used to look my God
right in the eye
I believe in defending
in what we once
stood for
It seems in vogue
to be a closet spiritual whore
a change of course in
Our direction
a dash of truth
spread thinly
Like a pan
On a popstar
On a Benzodiazapene
Oh Zion please
remove your glove
and dispel every trace
of His spoken word
That has lodged
In my vortex
I'm not sure who's fooling who here
as I"m watching your decay
We both know you could deflate
a 7 hurricane
You could have spared
her - oh but no
Messiahs need
people dying in their Name

New Jersey Haunted Spots

My awesome Father sent me this detailed sighting map of where one can experience hauntings in NJ. I can not wait to explore some of New Jersey's haunted history! These places are all over the state. I KNEW there was something more to Jersey than the Jersey Devil!!!! Normally, this posting would go in my Halloween posting, but it ROCKS!!!! Enjoy it!

Atco - Multiplex - Strange noise can be heard in theater 12 as if someone is moving their hands across the wall and voice can be heard.

Allamuchy - Shades of Death - is the actual name of a road located in, New Jersey. It is said that if you drive down there late at night, and you enter into a patch of fog on the road, it will follow you and you will find footprints on your car...human footprints.

Allamuchy - Ghost Lake - Ghost Lake is located on Shades of Death Road in Allamuchy Township the local legends vary - but the prevailing theme is that there was an Indian Graveyard there and settlers built a man made lake over the graveyard. At night the Indians haunt the area - even we (locals) stay away. Plus there are MANY bear families there so be careful.

Alpine - Devil's Tower - It is said to be, that a long time ago, during the 1900's though, a man was building a "tower" tall enough so that his wife could see the New York Skyline. While it was being built, the wife went up to the top floor, as she came down, she saw her husband with another woman! She ran back up to the top, and jumped out. There is a myth, if you circle the tower, 8 times or something, something is supposed to happen. Nobody has been able to complete it.

Ancora - Veterans haven - Veterans haven is right next to bayside prison ward and Ancora mental institution. It was once a town the psychiatric hospital made for patients to all live together, many of the patients murdered each other, and the most of them are old veterans from the war. Eventually, so many killings took place they just shut the whole town down. It has a lot of paranormal activity and the streetlights are still left on through out the little deserted ghost town.

Atlantic City - Taj Mahal - it is said that man jumped from the tenth floor of the garage and haunts that area every night around midnightBay Head - The Greenville Hotel/Restaurant - Over the years many employees have experienced many things from ghosts physically appearing (looking very much like a live person) and walking down the hall and disappearing, to the sounds of children playing in the lobby late at night. One employee even reported falling asleep on the couch in the lobby and awaking to the sounds of kids playing in front of them. He saw glimpses of them as well. There are sounds of moving furniture in unoccupied rooms, sounds of people walking down the hall but "no one is there", the sense that someone is standing behind you, but "no one is there". Guests report hearing children run down the halls laughing in the middle of the night, but there are never any live children doing that. In fact it is rare that children stay there.

Bayonne - Bayonne High School - The now auditorium of the high school used to be the Jr high section. It's been said that a boy around 14 hung himself from the stairwell, also it's been said he was pushed and broke his neck but anyway. If you go there just before school season begins you will see a boy opening the doors to the auditorium with school books in his hands. Also on many nights that the high school has put on plays there is a boy in the back of the room just watching.

Bayonne - Elco Naval Base - This was a World War Two Factory active to make P.T. Boats after the war a lot of people lost the jobs. During the war a boat fell off a conveyer belt and crushed 2 men. And now the little girl is seen some times looking for her father and her father is still yell for her. Over and over. Never to be seen again but forever heard!

Bayonne - Robbins Reef Yacht Club - The gentleman who haunts this location was said to have hung himself in an unstairs bedroom. If you enter the room in the dark, a cold icy feeling passes over your skin. In addition, bottles have been seen "jumping" off the ledges in the back of the bar, not breaking, and if replaced on the ledge, will again leave the spot to land on the floor.

Bayville - Admiral Farragoes - There is said to be screams coming from the old building every night around 12:00 am.

Bergen County - Little Ferry - Old Protestant Church - The ghost of a man who was shot inside the church is seen peeking out the front doors late at night.

Bernardsville - Bernardsville Public Library - was The Parker home and has a strange history of sightings as well as a very mysterious historical past.

Bernardsville - Long Rd. - Devil's Tree - Turn onto Long Rd, (which is really short) then make a left at the end, you will come upon a highly wooded area and then it just opens up into a field. At the end of the field there is a huge hideous looking tree with a branch that extends perfectly parallel to the ground. It is said that the tree was used to hang slaves on and still has a chilling aura to it. You can see marks on the trunk from people attempting to chop it down, they say whoever tries, something bad happens to and sometimes a pickup truck will try to chase you out. In the Summer that tree is in full bloom and actually quite lovely. In the Winter or Fall however, it is creepy looking. The axe marks on the tree are from years of kids hearing the legend of the tree and what would happen if you tried to cut it down. Supposedly if you try to cut it down the devil in a black pick up truck will come and chase you away, once you drive down the road a bit the truck just vanishes. It's an Urban Legend that gets featured in Weird NJ magazine all the time. Please get permission before you visit this property, otherwise you are trespassing and could get arrested.

Blackwood - Jefferson Hall at Camden County College - This structure used to be a monastery before becoming a learning institution. It is said that a residing monk hanged himself on the third floor of this building. Security guards of the college have reported hearing footsteps thumping down the hall of the third floor. They often avoid interior patrol.

Boonton - Darress Theater - It was closed for many years and was finally bought and used for children's theater (like Snow White, etc.) and they also show movies there at night, too. The people that are there late at night say they hear voices, footsteps and the chair seats move. There have also been reports of singing coming from the theater when everyone has gone home for the night.

Boonton - The Grave Yard on Green Street - It is said that if you go to the grave yard at exactly 12:00 you will see a grave stone glow.

Bordentown - Missionary - Strange anomalies on film have been recorded.

Browns Mills - Redfeather Trail - Supposedly there is a man that walks Redfeather Trail every night that sings a song and when you look at him he disappears into the night.

Burlington - Burlington County Prison - cell 5 on the 3rd floor is haunted by Joseph Clough who spent his last days chained in this cell.

Burlington - Doane Academy - St. Mary’s Hall - This school was founded in 1837 as a boarding school. Over the years students and staff have reported seeing balls of light float along most of the hallways, footsteps following them from the 3rd floor of Scarborough Hall, doors on that floor opening and closing on their own, and the lights in that hallway turning on and off on their own. In the Chapel people have reported seeing and hearing little children signing and feeling a weight pressing on their chest whenever they enter. A bathroom close to the Chapel has faucets that will turn themselves on and off occasionally.

Byram Twp. - The Colby Mansion - This is an old boarded up house on Tamarack Road in Byram. The house was built for a wealthy railroad millionaire in the late 1800s.The man shot his wife and cut off her head and put it on the fireplace mantle. He was then killed and both of their bodies are buried in the estates' graveyard. Someone recently bought the property and built a new house somewhere on the land. The old mansion is still standing but the old guest cottage fell down many years ago. The property is heavily patrolled by police.

Cape May - Cape May County Historical Museum - the ghost of a man with a deep voice haunts this place.

Cape May - Christian Admiral Hotel - The Christian Admiral, which has been torn down and converted into B & B's, Witnesses report being chased by ghosts. Apparitions of a women in white have been seen.

Cape May - Higbee's Beach - At least 3 ghosts can be seen in the wildlife reserve and beach. Higbee appears whenever someone approaches his grave; he can be seen chasing the ghost of a slave down the wooded paths. A phantom sailor appears in his beige-colored "slops" atop a dune, and then disappears.

Cape May - Hotel Macomber - the mischievous ghost of an elderly woman is felt in Room 10. The elderly woman was frequent guest of the hotel and during her stays, she developed a close friendship to the previaus owner's child, which is why the activity is strongest when children are present in the room. TV's and lights turn on and off by themselves, objects have been moved around, and weird feelings and sounds have been experiences by people who have stayed in the room. A woman spirit occupies the kitchen area of the hotel. Legend has it that the ghost was a former kitchen employee of the hotel. She choked to death on food and is still felt in the hotel today, mainly in the walk-in storage room.

Cape May - Inn at 22 Jackson - friendly spirits named Minerva and Esmerelda watch over the guests here. The owners of the Inn claim that theses spirits are "haughty" and "prissy".

Cape May - John F. Craig House Bed & Breakfast - Rooms 4 & 5 are inhabited by two spirits. Room 4 (a.k.a. Susan Craig Room) is haunted by the ghost of an unidentified red-headed girl. Room 5 (a.k.a. Lucy Johnson Room) is haunted by a sewing gh0st named Lucy Johnson, who reportly replaces missing buttons on clothing of guests who stay in the room.

Cape May - The Sea Holly Inn - a young woman seems to make her presence known every so often and an elderly gentleman who climbed in bed with a Psychic!

Cape May - Spiaggi - (formerly known as Maureen's & New International Cuisine) - this Italian restaurant harbors the ghost of a baby girl, who the owners have named Gloria. It is believed that either murder was involved or the baby girl died while in her crib. Most of the haunting activity occurs in the cupola and upper floors of this restaurant. Customers & employees have felt her presence and have heard the rustling of furniture in the upper floors. An old black-and-white photography taken about 1900, located near the entrance in the downstairs lounge, shows the ghostly image of the baby girl Gloria. What is shocking about this picture is that the baby appears to be trapped in an old column! The picture was enlarged and examined by experts and the owners and have determined that there's no way a baby could stand in that position.

Cape May - The Southern Mansion - the ghost of a well-dressed woman wearing a strong-scenting perfume has been seen by many people. The ghost is believed to be Esther, the niece of Capt. George Allen who built the house in 1863. People have felt her presence, smelled her perfume, hear her laughing, and see her dancing throughout the house. The owner thinks that Esther is just a spirit who wants to party. On several occasions, many have heard the rustling of her petticoat drift down a hallway or into another room. There's one particular room in the house that psychics have claimed bring a lot of tension in the house. The owner believes that someone died in this room.

Cape May - The Windward House - The ghost of a young Irish girl is occupying the 3rd floor "wicker" room.

Cape May - Washington Inn - An elderly woman's voice is often heard here.

Cape May - Winterwood Gift Shoppe - 2 sisters haunt their former home as well as a white figure that roams the grounds near a grave on the grounds.

Cape May - World War II Bunker - The magazine at Cape May point once housed guns to protect the coast from Nazi subs. A ghostly crew haunts this bunker. Soldiers have also been seen on the beach surrounding the bunker.

Cedarville - Newport - in the woods - There is a tree out in the woods of Back Rd. that is an old KKK tree. If you go out there and examine the tree you will see rope burn on one of the branches from where they used to hang people. Footsteps can be heard and if your back there for long enough for a split second you will see a young man being hanged.

Cedarville / Fairton - the old stone church - many strange thing have been reported here such as ghostly faces on head stones, organ music hear coming from the church late in the morning hours with no electrical sources going to the building. by rs2

Chester - Main Street - A farmhouse dating back to the mid-1800s, now refurbished and occupied by ClinCon Research. Haunted by young girl in a white dress. A 19-century farmer living in the house often saw the girl staring at him, and sometimes crying, through a window. His dog refused to go in the room where the girl most often appeared. Finally he locked his dog in the room, and the dog chewed and clawed his way almost all the way through the door to get out. The farmer once confronted the girl in a hallway, but when she turned towards him, she had no face. Recent incidents include unexplained movement of furniture. Many old buildings along Main St., including the Public House Inn, are haunted.

Cinnaminson - Lakeview Memorial Cemetery - reports of children's ghost been seen and leaving footprints in the area that is all child graves. Ghostly anomalies have been observed at the tower also.

Cinnaminson - Maple Shade - S.Forklanding road near jug handle in - When crossing rt 73 from jug handle in late at night crossing the little medal bridge near winners farm a car follows you to the bridge then vanishes it only happens around 12 a clock on a cold night in the winter it happens both ways crossing the bridge.

Clinton - Red Mill - Built over 200 years ago, the Red Mill is now an historical museum. The mill is haunted by a young girl who was injured there. She is said to ring a large bell and play a typewriter. The historic mill is located on 56 Main Street, Clinton.

Columbus - The Columbus Inn - This is a very old restaurant in the center of a very small town. There have been numerous sightings throughout the years. They have even had paranormal investigators come in to investigate the series of sightings. A large piece was done on this restaurant on TV and in the newspapers several years ago. Inside the restaurant, one of the articles can be found behind the bar. One of the employees there even told us that there is a legend that the famous "Jersey Devil" was reported to have been born there.

Cranford - Gallows Hill Road - Located at the corner of Gallows Hill Road and Brookside Place was the huge tree from which spies were hung during the Revolution. The tree was cut down a few years ago, but the rusty iron and concrete post which the rope was tied to still stands. Movement around the area can be seen late at night, but only from a distance. Personal experience was what seemed to be tall bushes swaying in a nonexistent breeze. Closer inspection showed no bushes just a well manicured lawn and a really creepy feeling.

Delanco - Nelly's Pond - Back in the days of the Revolutionary War, it is said that a messenger on horseback drowned in a small pond. His horse's name was Nelly, thus the name Nelly's Pond came about. Even though today most of the pond is dried up, it is believed that while wandering in the woods near the pond, you can still hear the drowning horse crying out.

Delran - Holy Cross High School - HCHS is said to be haunted by a former principle who had a heart attack late one night on the way up the steps in the northwest wing of the building. Teachers who work at the school late at night report hearing heavy footsteps going up the stairs and then stopping, rushes of cold air during the summer (the building is not air-conditioned) and doors opening and closing by themselves. HCHS has a lot of ground, and driving through there on a clear night, you'll find yourself in the middle of a dense mist.Dennisville - Henry Ludlam Inn - strange sounds and events occur here.

Denville - St. Claires Hospital - It is believed the spirit of an elderly gentleman is still lurking in the Peds section of the hospital. Several of the staff members claim to see the form of a human body behind the curtain that divides the beds and then it vanishes into the wall.East Greenwich - Eglington Cemetery - is the oldest operating burial ground in the United States has been investigated by several paranormal groups and is reported to be very active with ghostly globes and lights.

East Greenwich - Lenape village - was located here with 2 signals hills and one of the largest trails going to Tuckerton (Koh hach ing trail) runs right through the center of the township. There is also a very active underground river and numerous spring fed ponds which according to the Dragon Project in England act as a psychic "battery" or "memory" for paranormal activity.

East Hanover - Nike Drive - Ominous noises about within the few delapidated buildings there, especially a blue painted house and the abandoned hospital behind the house. Rumors of many there abnormalities such as shadows and footstep noises. Shouts and cries from within the hospital.

Edgewater - Old River Road - There have been sightings of the ghost of the Leni Lenapi Indians walking on the old river road... there is also an ancient burial ground on this road...it's a preserved cemetery from the 1400's of the old Leni Lenapi

Edison - Edison job corps academy - shadowy figures seen walking down darken halls in all four of the dorms figure have been know to attack female student in a sexual manner stranger unearthly smells have been experience in the Roseay Parkes dorm and the business tech class stranger creature have seen near the smell.

Edison - Old White Church on Woodbridge Ave - It is said that the cemetery is haunted by Mary Moore, a woman executed in the 1700's accused of witchcraft. Many people have stolen her headstone and died shortly after. People have said they have seen her in the cemetery.

Edison - Wardlaw-Hartridge School - In the upper east wing of the school, students and teachers have heard constant banging in a patch of sealed lockers, and when opened the sound would suddenly stop only to start again when locked up again.

Elizabeth - Elizabeth General Medical Center in Elizabeth - The Newborn Nursery is haunted by a woman in white. A room in the Special Care Nursery is known for suddenly becoming cold and furniture and equipment is known to move by itself. A crying baby is sometimes heard in the third unused Nursery. A room in the postpartum ward is known for a rocking chair that rocks by itself and a toilet that flushes by itself. The hospital operator one night received a phone call from a patient room the voice on the other end requested that she send "help"---the room was in a closed down, unused ward and had no telephone.Ewing - The Woods behind the Verizon building on parkway aveune - A boy vanished in these wood about 30 years ago, people say they can hear twings snapping and leaves rustling and once a sound of a boy crying

Flemington - Union Hotel - Slamming doors and spinning barstools are seen and heard after closing. Strange events occur without warning like one time, the heavy wooden front doors were locked. Some employees were sitting around the bar when the heavy wooden doors opened all of a sudden and a cold wind went right past them. When the employees locked the door again, they saw a pair of leather children shoes walking up the stairs. The restaurant is haunted by many unknown spirits.

Fort Dix - Garden Terence - A boy the age of around 15-16 walks around the area. You watch him walk away and he disappears into thin air. Can be seen every night walking around the teen-center at the end of Cedar St. at about 11:oo at night. Can be seen wearing a red hat with blonde hair and a blue jean jacket with jean pants.

Fort Dix - Garden Terrace - Teen Center - A boy the around the age of 15 walks down the street of the teen center at the end of cedar street every night. he can be seen wearing blue jeans, a jacket, and a red hat. when walking down the street he disappears into thin air.

Fort Dix - Haunted Hospital - Repeated sightings, noises, and furniture being thrown around on the top five floors of the hospital. It used to be a hospital for the victims of the war. In the basement of the hospital used to be the morgue. You can see the spirits that lives there and you can see from outside of the hospital the blinds are all up and that there is someone watching you.

Franklin - Headquarters of the Meadow Foundation -South Middlebush Road - The ghost of an elderly gentleman has been reported to walk through the house and look through the dining room windows. He is sometimes reported to have been wearing a Civil War uniform.

Franklin Lake - Gravity Hill - Route 208 Exit - The legend of Franklin Lakes’ Gravity Road claims that a young woman was killed at the bottom of the exit ramp. When you stop at the stop sign, a mysterious force pushes you backward up the hill again. This is supposedly the ghost of the woman pushing your car away from the dangerous intersection where she was struck down. Rumor has it that putting flour or baby powder on your front bumper before trying this will reveal the ghostly handprints of the girl after the event.

Franklin Township - VanWickle home -It is a beautiful home that sports a cemetery right on the entrance to the driveway. It has been rumored to be haunted and many documented sightings are on hand.

Franklineville - Iona Lake Inn - The Inn is so large, many ghosts visit the place. The old owner who first opened it…still runs the now empty Inn!- October 2003 Update: Iona Lake Inn was sold and was turned into a Italian Resturant it's called Jake's Italian Restaurant now....

Glassboro - Rowan University - Footsteps heard late at night in dorm rooms and strange, low whispers. Occasionally, objects move by themselves and lights flicker.

Glassboro - Rowan University - Bunce Hall - Bunce Hall (1st building constructed on campus) a ghostly lady haunts the upper floor and bell tower area.

Glassboro - Rowan University - Wilson Music Building - When the concert hall was build during the early 70s, a workman fell headfirst from the still unfinished catwalks. Every once in a while, theater works catch a glimpse of him during shows.

Glendora - Gabriel Davies Tavern - One of New Jersey's oldest historical landmarks used to be a tavern during the Revolutionary war. The attic was used a hospital for wounded soldiers. The original furnishings are in the house and there is still bloodstains in the attic. On occasion it has been recorded the sighting of people walking in the upstairs and strangest sounds of people suffering.

Gloucester - National Park - Whital House Battle Field - it is noted of haunting from the revolution 1776 dead soldiers in the attic house was used as a hospital check it out.Hoboken - "The Brass Rail Restaurant."- The restaurant is over 100 years old. Waiters and waitresses have seen the ghosts of a bride, groom and wedding parties walking down the spiral staircase of the two-story restaurant, late at night, when they're cleaning up.

Hamilton - McCorristin Catholic High School - Lockers that have been locked are found open, the scorer's buzzer in the gymnasium buzzes for no reason, lights go out by themselves even in good weather, and on one occasion a stack of papers was blown off a desk when there were no windows open or fans on.

Hackettstown - Hackettstown high - Ghostly apparitions are known to haunt the auditorium at, and also people have said that they have seen small patches of fog swirling around the stage area.

Hackettstown - Union Cemetery - Young girl walks the roadway heading towards up-town, in front of the cemetery. She is dressed in white. When you offer her a ride she will not speak but get in and disappear by the time you get to the main part of town. No one knows who she is or where she is trying to go.

Hoboken - Arthur's Tavern - There is supposedly three ghosts who haunt this huge restaurant. There are reports from employees of footsteps, lights going on and off or flickering, doors opening by themselves, a clipboard flying off a desk, whispers, and someone's hair being pulled.

Hope - Jenny Jump State Park - There are many different tales, but here is one of many. Jenny was a nine year old girl who lived generations ago. The small white house where she lived stood far below a high cliff. One day the child was picking berries or playing on the rocks when an Indian surprised her. In great fear she called to her father for help. He cried, "Jump, Jenny Jump!" The obedient child jumped from the high rocky cliff to her death. Her small figure can still be seen wandering around the location it is reported.

Hopewell - Barry's Chapel - Off Route 77 and down a long dirt road, there are the remains of an old church. It was built by a man with the last name of Barry many years ago. His wife had mysteriously died. In a separate incident, his church burned down around the same time as his wife's death. He later became guilt stricken and went to the site of the burnt down church only to hang himself from a tree in the churchyard. If you go there at night, you will see the church as if it was never burnt. If you kick the foundation, the church bell will ring.

Howell - Allaire - Allaire Village - Located in the middle of the park on Allaire Road. It is an old iron fence from the 1900’s. Reports of an apparition of a woman in white has been spotted between the park and the General Store.

Howell - Freewood acres - Homeowner hears footsteps, screams and people banging on her door all at night.

Howell - In the woods - In Howell there are woods that are haunted. 6:00 between 8:00 there are noises coming from the woods. Often there are screams. One time a little girl traveled into these woods and never came back. Sometimes you can hear her say “HELP PLEASE IT HURTS!” It is believed that little girl name was Annmarie.

Jackson - Log Cabin Ruins - on Bens Lane (a dirt road) toward the end of the road on the right, of in the woods, there are 2-3 old stone foundations, all around it seems animals die, many bones are visible on the ground for no apparent reason, when walking by at twilight people have seen a woman sitting on the edge of the largest foundation and crying, she is in transparent shaded of blue-gray.

Jersey City - 629 Grove St. -Industrial Building - many employees have seen ghosts wearing close with style from a different era. Feet running sounds and more, screams all that happen on the second and third shift.

Jersey City - Daily News Building - This place is haunted on a daily basis by the chief Machinist that was supposedly beheaded by a disgruntled employee. Workers there say that they hear the words "Jeezz I'm the Chief" coming from one of the offices late at night.

Jersey City - St. Joseph's Church - This church is located right by the Courthouse. You must stand in front of the Mc. Donald's to see it. At night, you can see two lights(eyes) in the tower. These are known as the "Cat's Eyes of St. Joseph." There are no lights located in the tower itself and the street lights do not extend up that high. There is no explanation for it as yet.

Lakehurst - Lakehurst Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 21 - Based at Lakehurst, our compound is the supposed burial site of the remains of the Hindenburg which crashed there, there have been many reports of sightings, doors closing, and many other things that can not be explained that have happened there.

Lakehurst - Naval Air Station Hangar 1 and (former) surrounding tarmac, Natably during daylight hours outside of Hangar 1, sound of men shouting "Away the lines, Christ be blessed, away the lines!" as well as "She's afire!" Inside Hangar 1 during morning hours, the sound of engines whirring when no like equipment is in operation. Possible ghosts of Graf Zeppelin Hindenburg crew, as well as US Navy dirigible personnel, variously sited about Hangar 1 and forward locations.

Lakewood - trails - its a huge wooded area by oak street school were many atvs and dirt bikes ride. but if there none in there something black big and fast slip across the trees but you really have to look or you wont see it cause its so fast. but at night u fell like something’s always watching you

Lambertville - Inn Of The Hawke - This popular inn and restaurant is host to several different ghosts. There have been occasional sightings that mainly consist of mischief and strange noises. Pots and pans have been known to lift from their hooks and come crashing to the ground. There are even pictures in one area of the inn that never seem to stay on the walls, no matter how they are hanged.

Lambertville - Lambertville high school - In the 1920's the boiler blew up killing everyone on the bottom floors. It was rebuilt then abandoned in the 1950's due to zoning issues. Kids are known to commit suicide from the third story gym windows. Reports of free floating apparitions, cold spots, and sounds heard by the EVPs. Also documented in pictures taken were ectoplasm like clouds and apparitions in 3rd floor window. Also strange noises when quiet. Plans to tear this building down in the very near future.WARNING: if you go there do not park on Washington street, you can get arrested for trespassing.

Landisville - Landisville Fire Company - Cold Spots, Voices of both men and women, and sounds that come from the loft and the back of the engine bays. Footsteps can be heard.

Laurence Harbor - Bowne Provost Family Cemetery - dates back to the civil war. Ghosts have been seen here and mysterious figures.

Lavallette - The Murder house - Eighty years ago, a middle aged sea captain purchased a large house on the boardwalk facing the ocean. Legend states that he bought it for his young wife, who was only eighteen at the time. A few years later, the Captain made his final voyage, never to return. His young wife was said to have spent countless nights on the widows walk, waiting for the Captain to return. One frigid January morning, exactly two years after the Captain left, her body was found frozen on the widows walk. To this day she can be seen standing on the widows walk, waiting for her beloved to return.

Lincoln Park - Heartbeat Lane - A strange sound that sounds like a heart beat, and you pass the house on your way out, there will be a light on in the upstairs window.

Long Beach Island - Haunted Beach - Sometimes on the beach late at night you can hear the cries of people that have ship wrecked on our beach. You know when they are near because you get a very cold chill in your bones.

Long Valley / Middle Valley - its the story of the hooker man, the story goes that a man carrying a lantern walks the railroad tracks at night through long valley supposedly searching for the severed arm he lost after being hit by the train.

Madison - Drew University - It is believed that some of the dorms at this college are haunted by a skinny college women from the 19th century.

Madison - Fairleigh Dickinson University - Lenfel Hall - lights turning on and off, and sightings of Peter Sanmartino (founder).

Madison - Fairleigh Dickinson University - Mansion - There are many different stories about different sections of the campus that once was an estate to a powerful family. Most happenings occur at the Mansion, including a girl in a white dress Dancing.

Maple Shade - Woodlawn Park - A few years ago a 16 year old girl was found dead in Woodlawn Park. Apparently she committed suicide because of a bad break up with her boyfriend. It is said if you go to the park and call for her one time, the swing will start swinging violently and come to a complete stop suddenly. Reports of hearing a poem in your head.

Marlboro - Main Street Market (formerly Andy K's) - Several former employees have reported strange happenings after the store closes at night. The reflection of a large man has been seen on the glass to the freezer case, which disappears upon closer inspection. The ketchup and mustard bottles behind the counter tip themselves over. Also, objects on the shelves are reported to have hurled themselves across the room with great force.

Marlboro - Marlboro Mental Institution - Reports of a rotten stench and a whistling noise, feelings of being followed. Rumor has it that the land was originally a slaughter house and the state wanted to take over and build a mental institution on the land but the man wouldn’t allow it eventually the state just took the land from the owner of the slaughter house and built their mental institution somehow eventually the owner of the land ended up in the institute as a patient he broke loose one night and they never found him the patients then for the next couple years said they could hear weird sounds outside like pigs dieing and cows mooing a couple of the patients were missing and never found.- Febuary 2005 additional info - The counselers would take the kids on hikes through the campgrounds and told stories about a ghost-man who haunted the camp, "OLD MAN SAM." They said he lived in a house painted with blood. Located in a big graveyard right in the middle of the camp. The largest grave there was one with nothing on it but SAM. There was one other big grave that said, THE MOTHER.

Marlton - Airport on KettleRun Road - The old air port is always been seen as nothing but dirt. But way back in the day it use to be a small airport with building and the whole nine yards, untill one day, a former emoployee came back and set it on fire...The cops believe it was an arsansis but they have no hard facts. So many people who live out here still believe that ghost are haunting up and down kettlerun, and this is why people are getting into the majorty of the accidents... everyone says "they see something so they try to get out of the way of it"

Matawan - Rose Hill Cemetery - Dates back to Revolutionary War era. Ghosts, anomalies, ectoplasms, strange mists, vortexes, strange voices, orbs and shadowy figures. A frightening place, particularly at night with winding roads and an extremely "hilly" terrain. You can feel the strange presences instantly.

Mays Landing - The Abbott House Bed & Breakfast - According to local legend, a young girl is said to inhabit the top floor of this bed and breakfast. She has been seen and heard bouncing a ball for time to time. - www.bbianj.com/abbott

Mays Landing - Lincoln Memorial Cemetery - Went Ghost hunting on Oct.31st in the evening, Witnessed many orbs, and Ectoplasm. Was with a well know Medium, who wishes to remain nameless at this time.

Metuchen - Ayers-Allen House - the oldest house in Metuchen, it was originally an inn during Revolutionary War times. The house is haunted by a Revolutionary War soldier who can be sometimes seen hanging between floors (legend has it that he hung himself). Also seen is the ghost of a woman (the innkeeper's wife) searching for her son, who was kidnapped by Indians when he was 10 years old. Psychics/mediums have detected the presence of several other ghosts, also.

Middlesex County - Circle Players - (A local theater group in Middlesex County) - They often boast to be the most haunted theater in New Jersey.

Midland Park - Crayhay Mansion - haunted by many ghosts, including a ghost cat.

Millington - Elm Street Middle School - One day these kids were said to be walking past the school and decided to look around the school when all of a sudden one of the kids saw something in the window supposedly a man's face.they ran away and went to the lake near by went under water and every single one of those kids saw a little boys face,dark hair,very pail,with blue eyes.They went to their local libary and looked up Elm Street School and found a picture of some of the classes that were at Elm Street and you wouldn't belive who they saw:THEY SAW THAT SAME LITTLE BOY IN THE PICTURE!

Montvale - Fieldstone Middle School - In the hallway at the principal's office just outside of the Exploratorium at around 11:30, you will see some ghostly white mist traveling down the hall, it has a sense of peace around it though.

Morristown - Jimmy's - Local nightclub haunted by female from revolutionary war era

Morristown - Water's Edge Cafe - a heavyset male ghost can be seen on the staircase here.

Morristown - Jockey Hollow - In a dense wooded area, it is believed you can hear & see the spirits of George Washington & his troops marching through the woods or a woman wearing a long white dress carrying an lamp.

Mt. Holly - Historic Burlington County Prison Museum - The ghost of Joel Clough still haunts the prison. Floating cigarettes, apparitions, orbs, and such have been reported.

Mt. Hope - Mt. Hope Road - Many voices can be heard and cold winds can be felt. figures can be seen in the meadows.

Mt. Laurel - Hartford Rd. Haunted house - Now this haunting is not something you can see off the main road. You must turn onto a dirt rd. You then park your car, get out and make sure you have a flash light. You enter an abandon house, its all tore up, writing on the walls, help me all over, children toys and clothes all over. While in the house you will hear a bouncing of a basketball, screaming, and talking that can not be made out, and door knobs turning behind you. This is not something you do alone. - September 2004 update: The house has been torn down.

National Park - The park museum - there was a hospital for the soldiers that is still there to this very day. When you go in there many people at many different times have said to have seen soldiers walking around in the upstairs.

Neshanic Station - Murphy's Crocodile Inn - Built in the 1880's, the Crocodile Inn has been subject to many ghostly activities. Lights turn on and off regularly and a dark shadowy figure is often seen in the basement. The inn is located at 102 Woodfern Rd., Neshanic Station by the post office and colorful train station

Newark - Branch Brook Park - The story goes that a couple who just got marry we're passing through the park on there way to there Honeymoon, When all of sudden the groom lost control of his vehicle and crash into a old tree, The impact was so devastating that bride was ejected from the car and fell next to the old tree and they say that the ground open up an took her and when the police arrived all they found was the groom dead and a piece of white cloth sticking out of the ground. The story is she haunting the park at night in her bloody wedding dress.

New Monmauth - Shelly Drive - During the Revolutionary War the woods that once stood where now stands a housing sub-division, with the street name of Shelly Drive, provided cover and refuge to many troops of both sides of the American conflict. It has long been said that where the street Shelly Drive ends into a new sub-division there was a horrible battle between Patriots and British troops. So Bloody and horrific was this Battle that scores of troops from both sides were killed. One particularly poor soul was that of a boy named William Champlain who fought on the side of the Patriots but was a spy for the British. When it was discovered by Washington's troops that Champlain was a spy they did not let on to him that he was compromised. At the start of the battle it was relayed to the troops by Washington himself that Champlain should be shot from behind to let the British know that his traitorous dealings didn't deserve a bullet from the firing squad. Upon the start of the Battle Champlain moved to the front of the line to get a better shot he was heard to say, and before the first volley of shots were exchanged between side's he was dropped in his stride from a volley of shot's from five patriot's. It has long been said that the spirit of William Champlain Haunt's the sub-division in search of Washington in the hopes of finding out why he was struck down by his own troops. Being only a boy of 17 at the time of his demise and fond of the flute he has been heard many a fall night playing sad ballads and tunes in search of his mentor. So if you are walking or driving down Shelly Drive one evening and see a young lad dressed in Colonial attire don't be alarmed it is only William Champlain looking for his troops bivouac, and the reason for his betrayal.


Oaklyn - The Ritz theater - many orbs have been spooted around and insite the site.

Old Bridge - Nike Missle Base - It's rumored that the Nike US ARMY Base on Jake Brown Road off of Rt 9 is haunted. If you go down the long winding road, you come to an abandoned small group of houses. Everything is boarded up, but a constant mist is there no matter what day it is...

Old Tappan - It is said that the ghost of a revolutionary era bugler for the Continental Army haunts the area around the old Toppan golf course or other stories say the wooded area near there and it is also said that in the middle of the night sometimes you can hear the sound of a horn. The ghost is simply known as the bugler.

Parsippany - Hilltop Care Center - It is an old abandoned nursing home that had to be evacuated immediately for some reason unknown. All of the patient's files, clothes, pictures, card, and all of their belongings are still left in their old rooms. When you walk in and out of these rooms, your flashlights will flicker on and off. There is only one door in the whole place that cannot be opened. There is a room that is known to be haunted and when to door was opened, it stopped and then' started to vibrate rapidly. Now there is a "NO TRESPASSING"

Parsippany - Intervale Road - Recently, the ghost of a headless man has been seen roaming about Intervale Road near the place where it meets Route 46.Passaic County - Annie's Road - In the 1980's, a young girl was killed on Prom night (hit by a car). It is said that you can see her blood still on the road and at midnight it has been reported that her ghost will come out. Her gravesite is located off of the road where she was killed.

Paterson - Oliver Street - Michael Energy Factory Daycare - it said that building that was there was a factory before it became a daycare after 5:45pm the elevator would move with the doors opened.

Paterson - Tenth Ave - Haunted house - There have been many sightings in this house. A lady in a white gown, and a young child. At night you can hear footsteps of unknown beings walking up and down the staircase. This phenomenon has been occurring for many years and it is unknown what spirits walk the halls of this house.

Pemberton - Mount Misery - Freezing cold spots... Mist... It's all woods with dirt winding roads that never end. There's a cross in the middle of nowhere. Witnesses report that there were cars behind them then they disappeared out of nowhere like they weren't even there, sick feelings & apparitions of a woman.

Pemberton - Pemberton Township High School Auditorium - PTHS Auditorium - Having been a member of the technical stage crew for 3 years, I have often been in the auditorium late at night with a few others, and the chairs move on their own, creaking of the chairs can be heard, and sometimes voices. The curtain often moves on it's own as well (as if there were a breeze in the room- even when the a/c is off) The janitors clean the auditorium as quickly as possible and try to make sure there's more than one of them doing the job at a time. reports that the lighting queues sometimes change or clear themselves as well.

Pennington - Old Farmhouse on Main Street - Just pulling into the stone-covered parking lot on the side of the house one begins to feel a sense of foreboding. Once in the house, a sense of negative energy can be felt. Spend time in the house and you will see and sense things. Dogs and cats will run from or refuse to enter certain rooms at different times. Heavily lined drapes will blow on a windless day with the windows shut like they were fine linen on a windy day. Heavy person-less footsteps on the wooden stairs can be heard. Door-knobs will turn violently. Faint voices and moving objects and opening and closing doors on their own. Knocks on bedroom doors late at night when no one is there if you open the door. A sense of relief can be felt when pulling away from the house.

Perth Amboy - Alpine Cemetery - Usually on rainy nights, when driving or walking by the cemetery you can see dark ghostly figures at one moment and look back and then they're gone. When walking inside of it, you may sometimes feel cold spots in some parts of the cemetery, usually near the far end in the back. People have reported seeing three figures on rainy nights and then they'd mysteriously disappear.

Perth Amboy - The Proprietary house - Many workers there have seen the boy, who appears to be pointing to the third floor, for some reason unknown.

Perth Amboy - St. Mary's Cemetery - Is said to be haunted by three World War I & II soldiers. People walking or driving by who look in the cemetery see three dark figures standing and when they look back the three soldiers are gone. Other residents who visit the cemetery say they've felt cold spots in the area where the soldiers were buried. Also while walking by the graves people have heard the sound of running feet on leaves and only to find no one there.

Phillipsburg - Hunt Homestead - a hooded woman has been seen in the kitchen window.

Pine Beach - Admiral Farragut Academy - There is said to be screams coming from the old building every night around 12:00 am. It was a all boys Navy school in which there were day students and boarding students. Among the students were some famous people one being Alan Shepard the Astronaut and Lorenzo Lamous the Actor.

Pittsgrove - Ye Olde Centerton Inn - The crying of a little girl who met an untimely demise can sometimes be heard in the upstairs dining room. In this dining room, cold spots can often be felt. These cold spots are attributed to the spirit of a past Maitre De, for whom the room is named after.

Point Pleasant Beach - McLacleans- what is now a good store was once a small theater in the town. There have been reports of many ghosts wandering the theater, almost waiting to go on. There have also bee reports of applauding and cheering late at night, as well as footsteps upstairs

Port Monmouth - Spy House Museum - This house was a tavern during Washington's day and got it's name because the owner would welcome British troops into the tavern, listen to what they were planning and tell Washington's men (hence the name Spy house) and before that it was used by pirates who supposedly hid treasure in the house and stored their dead in the basement. There are tunnels under the house and there have been ghosts of both a pirate and a spirit of a child who died in the upstairs. It has also been said the spirit of a Women who took care of soldiers, still haunts the Spy house. Many Investigators claim that once you turn down the street of the Spy House, you can feel the energy. The evidence that we investigators have are; Moving Orbs, Ectoplasm, and full body apparition.

Quinton/Bridgeton - Berry’s Chapel - The true story of Berry’s' Chapel is, Berry was a black pastor hung by the KKK. The chapel was built back in the Civil war days. It burned down in the early sixties. The grave yard was starting to get desecrated from local kids parting in the area, and skulls started appearing in trees by the main party spot.. It was then the county moved all the bodies to the graveyard surrounding the ancient oak tree near the Salem City public library. The area is blocked off now and you can't drive back there. The Chapel was just in the paper again this week (05-27-02) as they were again cleaning up the area from those lame people who feel they have to dump all their trash back there. What was always odd is how nothing would ever grow on Berry’s' grave. No grass, no weeds, no bushes, nothing.

Raritan - Raritan Library - Raritan township library, Raritan The old library keeper haunts this place nightly, turning on lights and moving books, there have been numerous sightings of the elderly woman in the window and the old garden behind it. I live around there and have seen lights go on and off at very odd hours. They say she died there, many old buildings and strange stories of hauntings.

Richland - Railroad tracks behind St. Augustine Prep High school - if you go there at night and flash your beam 3 times and on the 4th time you leave them on you will see a little boy with a baseball and glove....if you get out he will throw the ball to you but he and the ball will disappear before you can catch it.

Ringwood - Ringwood Manor - Haunted by the last descendant of the former owners and two servants. Frequently investigated, the spirit of the woman owner is quite feisty and downright mean. Voices heard, footsteps, portraits that follow you with their eyes, and other phenomena occur.

Ringwood - Ringwood Manor Cemetery - Shadows are seen and voices are heard in the century old family cemetery. Above ground tombs have bricks that are continually missing or chipped away, but all evidence shows that this action is coming from within the tomb rather than vandalism from outside. Walk through the " Gates to Nowhere” and follow the path along the pond.. Cemetery will begin on your left and continue in spots for 1/2 mile.

River Vale - Roberge School - The ghost of a friendly janitor who died of a hart attack is heard sweeping hallway and bathroom floors. you also laugh out of no where when he is present.

Riverside - dead mans corner - across from the Derbys tavern, A man and his sons of Beat a man and dragged him to the porch and left him for dead. The next day Riverside police found a man dead on the same porch. It is said late at night he can be seen roaming the porch and asking for mountain man. Also a strange murky god forsaken stench can be observed on the steps leading up to the attic.

Riverside - Watchcase Tower - This town mark has been here since Riverside was created. It is said that flying orbs and ghostly figures haunt the watchcase till this very day!!!!Roseland - St. John's church graveyard - Strange noises, such as laughter and a crackling fire, and strange lights accompanied with the feeling of not being alone have been reported.

Scotch Plains - Graveyard - Park Ave. - Across from Snuffy's is a bus stop haunted by a lady in white, looking for a ride. She has been known to take rides only to disappear to the driver.

South Dennis - The Graveyard on Route 47 - There have been numerous sightings of children crying near the older tombstones in this cemetery.

Sparta - Remax Leaders - It's old, one of Sparta's first buildings. In the early 1900's it was an all girl’s school. It has now been the office for a few different real estate agencies. There was are report from an agent working for Burgdorf, that when walking down the stairs, she felt like someone grabbed her leg, causing her to fall down the stairs. Even the basement is creepy. You can see that it was the kitchen since the original fireplace is still there. When no ones else is in the building weird sounds can be heard, as if someone else is upstairs walking around.

Swedesboro - Swedesboro Lake - Reported sightings of a man on a bike as well as screaming.

Tabernacle - Caranza Road - A long Road in the pines said to be the living place of the jersey devil. But this road is more than that it is haunted by many ghosts. The road is named after a Mexican pilot who crashed on the road there is a big memorial there for him. it is said and has been told that 8:30 pm July 12 or the 12 of any month at 8:30 if you have a voice recorder you can hear his plane. it is a strange road if you go down it at night you get the felling that you are being watched from the wood by something but you knaw it is not human. If you ever go `out there bring a flash light there is no light out on the road.

Tewksbury Township - Farmersville Rd. & Rt. 512Used to be boarding house; Reports (especially children) of seeing man leaning over railing and also in barn; seems to be deceased George Hayes who died in the 50's; rumor has it he was border and married lady who owned house; bad marriage, and neighbor said she killed him using wood alcohol in his food, so he gradually got sick and died. A woman ghost was also there in the house squeezed shoulders when witnesses where in bed; she came through the wall and headboard with hands and place them on the shoulders sometimes leaving marks & sometimes pushed people out of the house.

Toms River - Castle Park - At Midnight all the swings begin to swing at the same time without any sign of wind. and you can hear children playing when no one is around.

Totowa - Annie's Road - An old road that is said to be haunted by a girl whose body was never found. There is a long red line of blood by the spot where she was killed. She is said to walk the road every night.

Totowa - Laurel Grove Cemetery - Repeated sightings of white robed woman appearing after dark discussion of said sightings on radio station WOR dozens of people have reported to have witnessed peaceful spirit. Cemetery closed before dusk sightings observed by dozens of people through main gates.

Totowa - Little Falls - Heartbeat Road - What you are supposed to do is drive onto Heartbeat Road in the middle of the night . Get out of your car, put your ear the ground and you can hear a heartbeat.

Totowa - Totowa Road - A girl was killed on this road in 1951 as she was waiting for her prom date to pick her up. A truck driver ran her over and she has been seen walking this street at night, still in a light blue prom gown. The road has been named after her: Annie's Road!!! Also, she is buried at the cemetery, which is directly across from where she died.

Tewksbury Township - Farmersville Rd. & Rt. 512 - Used to be boarding house; Reports (especially children) of seeing man leaning over railing and also in barn; seems to be deceased George Hayes who died in the 50's; rumor has it he was border and married lady who owned house; bad marriage, and neighbor said she killed him using wood alcohol in his food, so he gradually got sick and died. A woman ghost was also there in the house squeezed shoulders when witnesses where in bed; she came through the wall and headboard with hands and place them on the shoulders sometimes leaving marks & sometimes pushed people out of the house.

Union - The Caldwell House - It is now a museum and is preserved for public visits. It is said that Lady Caldwell haunts the house after she was shot in her living room by the British soldiers raiding her house.

Union - Kean University - East Campus - is Haunted by a young girl who attended it when it was a catholic school.

Union - Kean University - Rogers Hall - is haunted by a former student.

Union - Kean University - Vaughn - Eames Building - is haunted by a negative presence.

Union - Kean University - Wilkins Theater - is said to haunted by a man named George who died accidentally there.

Verona - The Asylum - An old abandoned asylum is located in New Jersey and it is the home to many dead lunatics...going there, you'll hear voices, footsteps and you'll see old people.

Villas - Trails - There's a distinct trail in the woods behind the M.U.A. factory where what appears to be the ghost of a young boy, wonders the trail ever so often, it is said to be the ghost of Johnpat Eisenman, he was a 14 year old boy who went camping in the woods during the early as rumors have it 1970's. However, the night him and his friends went camping, some male came up to them and abducted Johnpat. It is said, to this date, he roams the woods almost every night from 1:30am to 2:00 am, and you’ll notice him roaming around with what it appears to be with no pants on, its said he has no pants because when police found his body two days later, he only had his briefs on. Some witnesses of the ghost say they noticed him pointing to a large tree with strange craving engraved in it, that tree is said to be where he was molested and later murdered, by an unknown predator. To this date no one was charged with the abduction and murder of Johnpat.

Verona - Overbrook - This place was an old orphanage. Then it became a place where cancer and pneumonia patients went to die. The road stretches for about 2 miles and there are two entrances. There are 5 buildings on this road, all abandoned. There have been sightings of ghosts and footsteps. Also, there is a manhole right when u reach the fork in the road; if you take it off, on your way back it will be covered again. Or vice-versa. It's guaranteed to happen. Happy haunting!Warren - Warren Graveyard - There is the Warren Graveyard at the intersection of Mountain Blvd. and Mt. Bethel Rd. It is supposed that you see Sir Isaac warren in the corner by the church with his to grandchildren who died with him in a car wreck nearby. They are usually only seen on Memorial weekend and Halloween!

Washington - Washington cemetery - This cemetery is kind of large and extends on both sides of a small street off RT. 57 in Washington. In the smaller side of the cemetery there are 3 large headstones (possible the largest in that section). It was a husband, a wife and child, and a family friend. They were all murdered together in the family's house in the 1840's. If you read the epitaph on the headstones it mentions something about the wrath of God coming down upon those who did the murders. (the words are very warn and hard to read). This event was known as the Changewater Murders. Apparently the wrong people were caught and hung for the crime and by the time authorities figured out who really committed the murders, they were long gone. Orbs have been seen and caught on film.

Watchung Reservation - Densely wooded reservation with abandoned houses and etc. There are many stories that have come out of here. Example, there have said to have been a murder by the big lake there. Occult practitioners are said to have, and still meet and perform rituals.

Wayne - Clairview Movie Theater - voices heard in the projection room, apparitions of a grinning, pale man with big teeth standing in the open stall in the women's restroom mirror, feeling someone kiss them, and lights turning off then on again.

Wayne - Dey Mansion - Strange lights can be seen and a strange shadow occupying the windows.

West Long Branch - Monmouth University - Library - The library which was once the summer cottage of Murry and Leonie Guggenheim is haunted by the ghost of a lady in white who walks down the staircase overnight at midnight. No one is allowed there past 11:30, they close it down (conveniently) before 12. Upstairs and all inside the house you have the feeling that you truly don't belong and someone wants you to leave.

West Milford - Clinton Rd. - There is said to be the spirit of a little boy which haunts a small stream. If you toss a coin in at midnight he will throw it back. There is the story of the haunted coach that runs the road. There is also a "Hell-Hound" that chases you down if you enter the woods on the side of the road and see it. It is said to travel as fast as your car can go. (Note: Clinton Road is a hot bed for ghosts and other mysterious happenings.).

West Milford - Passaic County - Clinton Rd. - This road is a scary road. It has KKK sightings, Nazi meetings, Haunted dogs, and an old lady who walks on the same side as you re driving, and a creepy castle; A little boy was walking on this road one night and a car sped fast around a sharp turn and hit him and the boy fell over a little bridge and died. They say if you throw over a penny at exactly midnight, he throws it backs to you. Creepy huh? You can read more on weirdnj.com

West New York - Elementary School - In the annex of the girls bathroom you here giggles, footsteps and door slamming. There is saying that there were three little girls died there. Also have seen three shadows.

Westville - river drive - Along River Drive there have been sightings of a ghost of a young woman in a night gown. She has been seen floating at about the second story level along River Drive. There is mention of a second spirt. this spirit sometimes looks like a fish or mermaid of some sort .Tributes to her are found on one of the bridges crossing the Big Timber Creek. Timber Creek runs next to River Drive, and the sightings have increased lately as there is a lot of digging taking place right now. It was an area of an amusement park a long time ago. Maybe the spirit is upset with the area being disturbed.

Wharton - Knotty Pine Pub - Strange sounds can be heard coming from attic. Sounds are similar to moving objects and footsteps. Legend has the owners deceased mother is the bar caretaker.

Woodstown - Seven Stars Tavern - a ghost with a noose around his neck and other noisy ghosts haunt this place.

Wycoff - Route 208 North, Russell Ave. - Wyckoff Exit - The legend is, there was a girl who was killed by a hit and run, and her father roams the streets (only on Russell Ave) every night from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. looking for her killer. He is also blind. You can ride around all you want before 12:00am and you will not see him, but he seems to appear right at 12:00am. He will stop and stare at every car that drives by, so you will hardly ever see him walking, but yet you drive 1 block and turn around and he has already walked 5 blocks down.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I had three whole seasons on you
and you had years on me
it seemed and seems.
After all, lifetimes are used
and forgotten.
I held your hand in many.
The portal welcomes me
but, you are not invited.
My admission has been paid.
This show
I would not sneak you in.
I would wait after the lights go dim
for you to sit next to me again.
Clouds can race overhead;
the winner still loses.
Time stands still where it runs.
Just keep
her eyes on .. the
Green feilds of ever emerald
with golden kaleidescopes
spinning open to the world.
The blue borrowed from oceans and skies
spill the rain of the sea
salty icebergs melt.
I was alone when I realized it was real
when I came to the bend
in the road
to the line
throught the dawn
to the light
to the turn
down my path in the fork in the road.

A Sorta Fairytale

on my way
up north
up on the ventura
i pulled back the hood
and i was talking to you
and i knew then it would be
a life long thing
but i didn't know that we
we could break a silver lining
and i'm so sad
like a good book
i can't put this
day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
a sorta fairytale
with you
things you said
that day
up on the 101
the girl had come undone
i tried to downplay it
with a bet about us
you said that-
you'd take it
as long as i could
i could not erase it
and i'm so sad
like a good book
i can't put this day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
a sorta fairytale
with you
and i ride along side
and i rode along side
you then
and i rode along side
till you lost me there
in the open road
and i rode along side
till the honey spread
itself so thin
for me to break your bread
for me to take your word
i had to steal it
and i'm so sad
like a good book
i can't put this day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
a sorta fairytale
with you
i could pick back up
whenever i feel
down new mexico way
something about
the open road
i knew that he was
looking for some indian blood and
find a little in you find a little
in me we may be
on this road but
we're just
in this country you know
so we go along and we said
we'd fake it
feel better with
oliver stone
till i
almost smacked him -
seemed right that night and
i don't know what
takes hold
out there in the
desert cold
these guys think they must
try and just get over on us
and i'm so sad
like a good book
i can't put this
day back
a sorta fairytale
with you
a sorta fairytale
with you
and i was ridin' by
ridin' along side
for a while till you lost me
and i was ridin' by
ridin' along till you lost me
till you lost
me in
the rear
you lost me
i said
way up north i took my day
all in all was a pretty nice
day and i put the hood
right back where
you could taste heaven
feel out the summer breeze
didn't know when we'd be back
and i, i don't
didn't think
we'd end up like
like this

Friday, January 20, 2006


Thought I knew you well
Thought I had read the sky
Thought I had read a change
In your eyes
So strange
Woke up to a world
That I am not a part
Except when I can play
Its stranger
After all
What were you really
Looking for
And I wonder
When will I learn
Blue isn’t red
Everybody knows this
And I wonder
When will I learn
When will I learn
Guess I was in deeper than
I thought I was
If I have enough love
For the both of us
Just stay
you say
We’ll build a nest
So I left my life
Tried on your friends
Tried on your opinions
So when
the bridges froze and you
did not come home
I put our snowflake under a microscope
After all
What was I really
Looking for
And I wonder
When will I learn
Maybe my wish
knew better than
I did And I wonder
When will I learn
When will I learn
Guess I was in deeper than
I thought I was
If I have enough love
For the both of us
So strange
Now I’m finally in
The party has begun
It’s not like I can’t
Feel you still
But strange
What I will leave behind
You call me one more time
But now I must be leaving...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Visions in Dreams

Fly me over and beyond the moon
that sits so full and still.
Interpret for me the sacred rune
and tell me of a future will.
The silver cord that binds me tight
to a date and place
stretches before me into the night,
as I astoplane into outer space.
My spirit as a comet soars
past worlds and stars and light;
as my mind explores and tours,
I find peace in this eternal night.
Tea leaves tell of the stories end
before one has read the book
and Faith, Destiny's closest friend,
is pleased to have the look.
The silver cord frays away
and my spirit soars ahead
as I become a golden ray
more vibrant when I am dead.
The silver cord retracts
back to the body I knew
while never-seen-before colors refract
from within this form, so familiar, yet new.
Five points of light burn inside
my shapeless form of me
and carrying my essence along the ride
back home for eternity.
Happiness, bliss, love, contentment, and glee
define my new found state
as I realize that rising before me
is Heaven's welcoming gate.
Opened wide in stunning grace
I enter and find release.
For within true reality's embrace
exists the only true peace.


Yes, the pages quickly turn
and the war, it wages while fires burn.
Where goes all the wisdom learned?
Back to dreams while the past is yearned
for in silent stony stares...
Nostalgia... old hopes and cares!
The bittersweet taste recognition bares
crystallize where memory wears.
Can somebody stop this flow
to a destination we can not know?
Defiantly, we all must go
and meet Creation's sibling foe.
Innocent beauty wrinkles loose and aged
losing the battle against Time it waged.
The miracle of Life that all engaged
has a hidden price that all has paid.
Metals rust and stones erode
while ravines are ripped where waters flowed;
marks on the wall where children's growth showed
the promise of Life before Fate is sowed.
Suns rise and suns set,
regardless of the goals that we met
or appetites that never are whet.
One space in Time is all we get.

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Numbers slipping backwards to one,
back in time to where it had begun.
Full cirlce, I had to journey on.
Back to where all this time had gone.
Find yourself where I am found
as we chase the hands around.
The unsmiling and unblinking face
of the greatest invention of this human race.
Aside from God, and aside from rhyme,
sit the bold and bolder hands of time.
One second, one minute, one sweet hour...
One true God controls this power
to the end of immemorial bliss;
to the end of Life's sweet kiss,
the wicked three wont let all be.
Thee is past, present, and future... see
for forever and ever is in these words...
for Time, it flys, away with birds.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This Darkness

This darkness,
she did not fear this darkness.
She did not fight the flame of her shadow.
She welcomed the warm embrace
as the arms of love.
She left as if it was the natural
and only choice she forgot she knew.
Acceptance of a stillness
far more suspended than any other,
she possessed it.
She comfortably let go
into a sleep deeper than dreams
and innocently followed it to eternity.
She gracefully stopped the hands of time,
the ticking of the clock,
the rising and setting of the Sun,
and left the room forever
with the same awe she entered and existed in.
No questions.
No fears.
No hurry.
She arrived before Death
and left after Death.
She didn't long for Death,
Death longed for her.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Fly away, sweet soul, to where the sun goes down.
Life goes on and time will flip over my frown.
I can't hold on to every miracle like you
because how would I receive those that are brand new?
You are with me in my heart
and always have been from the start.
I set you free and you can fly away from me.
In the end, my friend, its you I'll see
welcoming me home from here.
For now, I know how I can hold you near.
Visit you everday in my mind's eye
and keeping you alive, so fly!!!
Fly beyond the stars and sky
and prepare that place for you and I.

Parting is just plain sorrow...

I am really going to miss my Nana; she was a spunky and happy lady that always had her spirit high. She became a part of my life over seven years ago and now that part is missing. Today, we had the service for her in Doylestown. She wasn't there. Her body did not really resemble her. That energetic little soul that always used to dance, tell me I am handsome because I look like her, and say, "I'm sweet sixteen and never been kissed!" so I would lay one on her... she is gone forever. What am I going to do with my Sundays? I guess the brunches are over. A new chapter in my life has begun and she is not in it. I know she wouldn't want me to be sad, but it is impossible. I really miss her and I loved the way she would hold on to my finger when we sat next to each other, the way she lit up when she saw me coming down the hall, and most of all her never-ending love and graceful acceptance of life. Nana, wherever you are, I love you and miss you greatly!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Nana (for Eric)

I sought to tell her of my love.
My actions spoke for me.
I know by stars that shine above
that love not spoken can be.
In shaken heart, I seek the peace
I held yesterday within my grasp
and carried with me questioning release
until this day came to pass.
No rage rebutted the snuffing of the flame.
She curled into an endless sleep.
She took with her my mother’s name
and those secrets of life she will keep.
Vibrant in life and gentle in death,
she dances behind mine eyes.
For someone who lived Love’s entire breadth
never truly dies.
Few in words in life, numerous now,
I contemplate the why and how.
In life my actions spoke for me.
In death, she carries my heart freely
to a place I can not go…
to a place we all shall know…
I hope she brought all my love and care
to welcome me when I return to her there.

Nana came into my world in February of 1996; I remember because it was after the Christmas when I returned to my family's home after our long fall out and Eric had off of classes at the University and wanted to teach me how to ski. Eric was going to teach me to ski at Waterville Valley, NH. Nana lived in Hillsborough, NH. We liked each other instanly. She had the warmth of a grandmother and the kindred sparkle in her eye of a friend I never knew. I loved her after only a few days of knowing her because of her unique, ever-happy disposition, and the fact that she already loved me. She was thrilled to add me to the collective of grandchildren and great granchildren she boasted of in numbers; I was equally thrilled because she made it an honor. After that, I looked forward to seeing her every winter. Secretly, she was my favorite part of our ski trips, even though she was no where near the slopes. I knew a trip to Waterville Valley was a trip to Nana. I wished she lived near us so I could see her more. She bewitched me with her innocent manner and matter-of-fact simplicity of existence. She made me feel safe. Three years later in August of 1999, I had the opportunity to influence her move to Doylestown, PA to live with us for a spell. She has a nice apartment. Made lots of friends. Everyone loved her, especially the men. She always made it a point to tell me how wonderful the place was, the people were, and how wonderful Eric and I were. She wanted to always show me beauty and happiness. Not once did she complain about anything. Nana liked beautiful things; she said that is why she liked me. When I think about it, she did. She always noticed the magical in everyday. She would sit at the large windows and look out at the trees and world outside admiring everything, instead of longing to be in it. Slowly, Life took everything away from Nana. In a matter of a year, she lost her independence, her apartment, her beloved furniture, her big window views, her physical ability to walk which she was so proud of for having at her age... She fell and broke her hip twice, landing her in a wheel chair and a shared room in the first floor nursing facility. She never complained. Still, all she would show me was love, beauty, and ultimately the quintessence grace. Nana died on Wednesday, February 4th, 2006 at 93 years old. She had been holding that tiger of life until she just let go and trustingly ventured into a darkness she always used to fear. Nana came into my world in February and she left my world in February, but she will never be out of my life.

I love you, Nana!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Empirical fortress of logical scrutinity
crumbles before my insanity's mutany;
the laughing screams of hopeful dreams
untwining the binding of composure's seams
echo as I let go of that which holds me down,
vertigo as I know, my reversed smile's frown.
"Freedom at last!", I cry through my chains,
tackled and shackled my body remains.
Thought... my virtual refuge
where I can not be followed by this deluge
of words and laws and applied existence.
Insanity is my ultimate form of resistance.
I hold court with me, myself, I, and he;
we hold up the shackle and cackle with uncontrollable glee.
I was driven here
by biological need
exascerbated by fear.
I would never again be freed.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!! Here's 2006!

Well, for the entire year of 2005, I was free from my "fortress of solitude" for a total of 30 days... THAT IS IT! So, you can bet your sweet bippy that I am really looking forward to 2006! So much, that I am putting a link to a 2006 calendar here!!! I get off of this crazy stationary ride on Febraury 11th!!!!! Muthafuckas with CHEESE!!! with CHEESE, with cheese.....

with cheese....
