Saturday, April 01, 2006


The demonstration began. Everyone huddled close to the podium. A man entered and told the congregating listeners that he had a demonstration that would "change your lives and the way you think about sin!!!" As the crowd anticipated the revelation that would so improve upon their lives, the man on stage produced three glass jars. He pulled a box out of his breast coat pocket just as everyone was wondering what the jars were for. The man cleared his thoat.
"Ummmm hmmmm... Here I have three jars," he yelled, "in each of them, I shall place a live worm."
As the man cried to the crowd, he removed a worm the box and placed it in one of the jars. He pointed at the crowd, looked impetuously upon the people, and pointed to the jars with his eyes following his out stretched index finger. Almost accusingly, the man pointed at the three jars in which each held a live wriggling worm. He plead to the crowd once again.
"Inside each of these jars is a life- a sacred life!!! These lives are sin free and healthy. Now, let us fill each of these jars up with sin and see what happens, my brothers and sisters. What shall we fill them up with... "
The man repeated the question and began to take hands for suggestions on which sins to put in the jar. The first man, a toothless man in a straw hat yelled, "The demon, alcohol!!!" The second person chosen was a lady with huge lens glasses and a deep hoarse voice; she bellowed, "Smoking!!!" The third and final sin was chocolate syrup; a cute little boy in the front row screamed it over and over until the man on stage gave in. With the three sins chosen, the man nodded and raised his hands to the crowd.
"Let's just see what happens to Life is we fill its world with sin. Let's put some whiskey, cigarette smoke, and chocolate syrup in the jars with the worms and see what happens to them. Let's meet back in fifteen minutes", the man looked at his watch as he fumbled with the lid on the first jar.
After fifteen minutes, the congregation had reformed in its group and were noisily chatting amongst themselves when the man appeared back at the podium.
"Now, brothers and sister, let us see what sin has done to these lives. Let's see if the worms are alive after fifteen minutes of sin", he lamented as he dunscrewed the lids of the jars.
The worm in the first jar emerged limp, smelling of whiskey, and clearly dead. The second jar yeilded a discolored worm that appeared dehydrated. Out of the third jar came a dead worm messy with chocolate and a bit plumper than it was when it was first put in the jar. The man looked at the people's faces and saw the message registering. He praised the Lord and opened his hands to crowd asking,
"What have we learned today about sin, my brothers and sisters??? Anyone???, he asked as he gazed at each face in the congregation. Finally, from the very back of the crowd came a crotchety voice. "I'll tell ya, mister!!!".
The crowd cleared as they looked back at who had spoken up. It was a little old lady with grey hair and huge "virtual reality" sunglasses. She stoop there in pause with her finger pointing up as if she had the knowledge of the universe. Finally, she spoke loud and clear so that everyone could hear her. She said,
"This lesson taught us that sin is sin no matter what, but whiskey, smoking, and chocolate will get rid of worms!!!"


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

LOL...that's too funny!

3:44 PM  
Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

The worms crawl in, The worms crawl out...the worms....(something, something) all about!

I forgot the words!!!!

I bet you remeber them!


8:25 AM  

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