Saturday, March 25, 2006

Time keeps slipping... into the future???

Well, I am back and in full swing of getting my life together. So far, EVERY grad school I have applied to has REJECTED ME!!! But, that isn't going to stop me from truckin' along. I have a fall back plan that has evolved into my primary plan by default. I am applying for a position as an IOM (Intraoperative Monitor). This job requires me to monitor the homeostatic waves of people that are being operated on. There are numerous types of this procedure and I am hoping that I get into one of them... specifically, a company named SENTIENT. My beloved sister, ECHELE, put in a good word for me to her friend and I applied. I sent my resume and college transcript in, but have not heard a YAY or NAY as of yet. I really hope, pray, will, and invoke via voodoo magic that this job pans out for me. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO REVIEW A RESUME!!!? The anticipation is KILLING me softly with EVERY mutha fuckas song!!!!! LOL! Yes, I am weird, but I am also original! So, I am a month into my parole. My spirits are high. I am awaiting the word to begin working my ass off to remedy the slings and arrows of a past that almost killed me. I don't think I have EVER been so positively charged!!! The key word here is POSITIVELY... Lord knows, I am charged by my nature and usually am a bit chaotic... but, not as of lately. I have been minding my own life and putting so much effort into it that I am beginning to look at my life as a work of art!!!! I just hope the canvas doesn't split down the middle because of the pressure I apply my colors thickly upon it with!!! So, HERE's TO LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!!!!!!


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

Bro Everything will work out no matter what happens. My fingers are crossed for ya. I love ya.

10:05 PM  
Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

Time and age are the cruelest jokes life plays on us.

10:06 PM  

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