Thursday, January 19, 2006


Yes, the pages quickly turn
and the war, it wages while fires burn.
Where goes all the wisdom learned?
Back to dreams while the past is yearned
for in silent stony stares...
Nostalgia... old hopes and cares!
The bittersweet taste recognition bares
crystallize where memory wears.
Can somebody stop this flow
to a destination we can not know?
Defiantly, we all must go
and meet Creation's sibling foe.
Innocent beauty wrinkles loose and aged
losing the battle against Time it waged.
The miracle of Life that all engaged
has a hidden price that all has paid.
Metals rust and stones erode
while ravines are ripped where waters flowed;
marks on the wall where children's growth showed
the promise of Life before Fate is sowed.
Suns rise and suns set,
regardless of the goals that we met
or appetites that never are whet.
One space in Time is all we get.


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

Awesome, just awesome Bro!

1:20 PM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

Thanks Roo!!!!

3:15 PM  

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