Saturday, January 21, 2006


I had three whole seasons on you
and you had years on me
it seemed and seems.
After all, lifetimes are used
and forgotten.
I held your hand in many.
The portal welcomes me
but, you are not invited.
My admission has been paid.
This show
I would not sneak you in.
I would wait after the lights go dim
for you to sit next to me again.
Clouds can race overhead;
the winner still loses.
Time stands still where it runs.
Just keep
her eyes on .. the
Green feilds of ever emerald
with golden kaleidescopes
spinning open to the world.
The blue borrowed from oceans and skies
spill the rain of the sea
salty icebergs melt.
I was alone when I realized it was real
when I came to the bend
in the road
to the line
throught the dawn
to the light
to the turn
down my path in the fork in the road.


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

What are these two about??? This one and the fairy tale one? I like to read your poems, I have been so busy haven't checked up on anything.

11:32 AM  

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