Friday, December 23, 2005


Eternity is only years away
when the sun goes down and down it will stay.
The brilliant warm of the living day
will turn to ice where creations lay.
Darkness buries all the light
in the mysteries of that night
that will last for all to see
the endless length of eternity.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Therefore I Am...

I think I thought I will someday know
where Time is, has gone, and will someday go.
Am I, was I, and will I be
thinking all the Time, wherever I may be?

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


How amazing it must be
to harness Life and set it free.
You could have chosen to be another,
but you chose to become my Mother.
A piece of yourself you did sow
and feed it love and help it grow.
You put yourself last to protect me
to see I grew up safe and happy.

Somehow you just instinctly knew
all the right things to say and do.
Months and months you went through
carrying me within you.
Until the day I would arrive
you fought Fate to keep me alive.
Your fighting spirit willed me to live
and that fighting spirit to me you give.
I may not have had a most feirce battle cry
but, your Lifeforce was heard in my tired sigh.

Your giving heart did not stop there,
for you gave me a sister to love and care.
So close in age until the end,
you gave me my closest friend!
Along with me on Youth's long ride
I had a sister by my side.
The greatest gift I ever received
and that is how she is perceived!
In everything that I might go through
you gave me my Little Roo!
You taught me to love her well
and to see us you can tell
that the love in all I do
passes through me straight from you.

When we were young, you taught us how to play
and how to have fun everyday.
From pots and pans till the day was done
you made everday full of fun.
From my soccer to drill team's pom pom
you always were a Supermom.
You made life fun in so many ways
especially at the holidays!!!

I remember clearly every year
the massive abundance of holiday cheer
that you created all on your own.
How you did it is still unknown!
Cooking, shopping, working, baking...
wrapping, stashing, and home-making!
You made magic with every word
and even left out that Reindeer turd
that Squiggy left on the floor
for over two hours... maybe more!
You always kept equal tabs
on what was up for Christmas grabs.
You made every holiday a special one
by making it memorable and fun!

You even woke up with barely any sleep
and was still somehow able to silently keep
Santa's secret when it was really you
that was Santa, elves, and reindeer too!
Our gifts were always the perfect mix
of clothes, toys, and a sweet sugar fix.
Another thing that I can say truly
is that you kept us under control when we were unruly!

Try as we did, brothers and sisters will fight
and you held us together strong and tight
until we knew what was expected of us...
We are brother and sister, no matter the fuss!!!
We simply grew up knowing that was the way
and we still love and respect each other today.
Tiny and mighty and so full of love and light,
my Mother, is so true and right.
Even today, when I lean real hard
upon her emotions, no holds are barred.
She takes all my pain and makes me whole
with her eternal loving soul.
So accepting she is paths that I take,
she even puts up with the friends that I make.
She must be the greatest and pluckiest mother hen
to put up with the likes of my dearold JEN!!!

What did I ever do to deserve such a saint
for a perfect little angel, I just ain't.
I am crass and obnoxious and sometimes rude
and a mixed bag of emotions and unpredictable mood.
But, I know beyond a reasonable doubt
that my mother loves me deeply without
any reservation or condition or what-for
because I am the son that she loves and adores.

Where does she get this love and loyalty
and this sense of glamour akin to royalty.
From the day of that weak little sigh,
my Mother told me to hold my head up high.
When I can't, she will do it for me
and takes no credit, just says "That's family..."
Momma, your special and you know I love you!!!!
You learned from the best, you had a Supermom too!

Momma, I love you with every cell in this body that you made! I know I am far from perfect, but thank you for always making me believe that I was!

Hidden Treasure

Beautiful creations
are hidden within the line of sight.
Perceptive relations
to a world of frequencies and light.
Scavanging the hunt
for a treasure not yet revealed
searching beyond the front
where the secret depths are concealed.
Glass or diamonds, maybe even ice
melt away too fast to portray
the form of their device.
A change in rhythm
a variance in tone
a sideways glance affords a chance
for the uncovered to be known.
Beauty in secrecy
warm beneath a blackened tide
ebb in cyclic frequency
from the depths where they do hide.
Perceived and received, they are not hidden any more
relieved and believed, they are taken to the core.
Hidden again, deep within, another mighty tide
just to wait and anticipate release from where they reside.
Jewels of human refining.
ore of human creation.
Leave their defining
to simple human relation.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas Thug

Humbug, humbug....
its what I say.
Only lonely
on Christmas Day!
Big old tree
shining bright
for only me
in a Yule-time night.
Santa Claus
must be lost,
breaking laws
at any cost.
If he tries
to come my way
boots will lodge
in his ass sideways.
I'll shoot his deer
even if they can fly
and filet their cheer
laughing as they die.
I'll crush his elves
and all his toys
up on the shelves
for good girls and boys.
Watch their tears
turn to ice
and feed the fears
of those noted nice.
Blow dry Frosty
to a rippling pool
of watery wetness,
Christmas drool.
Bitch slap that
Little Drummer Boy dumb
making his lips fat,
Pa rumpa pum pum!
Feed the Grinch's hole
the entire North Pole
and fill my stocking's sole
to the brim with coal.
Finally when
I see the Three Wise Men
I'll use my lure
to steal the frankensense and mhyrr,
then take their gold,
if I may be so bold.
Yes, its me
the Christmas Thug...
I hope your Holiday is merry...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Life, thus far...

A day in the life of me... how intrinsically sublime! AAlthough not very much has changed in my everyday existence, there has been alot of growth within me. I have been studying astrology in a natural sense; I think I have been able to tap into the fabric of my being and recognize patterns that I never saw before. The results yeilded me a new and profound glimpse into existence and this anamoly we call "Life". If one is prone to see Life as a classroom where experiences and lessons are learned for the purpose of perfecting the human soul, it is easier to understand the inexplicable. I do believe that modern technology has hindered humanity's innate ability to introspect and see what is not visible. Here is the wisdom I have gleamed thus far.
In order to explain myself coherrently and in a way that is completely understood, I must attempt to bring you, my reader, into the center of my understanding of the Life cycle. By this, I DO NOT mean natural growth, but spiritual growth... even though it certainly is a natural cycle that occurs every year. Basically, I have subscribed to the philosophy that nature, itself, does abide. Being a natural being, I have seen myself within this vast natural universe as a part of this cycle, not separate because of the old adage, "I think, therefore I am". I am more atuned to the philosophy of existentialism that dictates that "I exist no matter what I think, I just am." Once you stop cerebrally fighting to make sense of a force that is literally unable to be defined, one can define themselves through that force. This is what I have been attempting to do. So far, I have found certain clarity in this meditation. I have broken it down below and I hope that whomever reads this, reads it with an open mind.
Life is a cycle that is largely predetermined in its structure. One will inevitably go through the seasons of existence as everything else in nature. Because the human is half natural and half spiritual, this cycle occurs simultaneously and intertwined within and all around us. I will use myself as the example by which I illustrate my new philosophy of growth and maturation.
Biologically, it is seen in nature that we are immensely influenced by the seasons and lunar cycles. In the Spring, people tend to think about new goals, paths they wish to take themselves in life, and only really think about their present in terms of what they wish to accomplish. Every thought is filtered through this idea of possibility. Biologically, the human body gets very arroused, as does any animal in this plane of existence. Actually, the spring is when most animals mate and replentish the Earth with new generations of life. Trees grow new branches and develope leaves to proliferate the cycle of inevitable fruiting and reseeding. People born during this period of March, April, and May are entities that want to create, orchestrate, or need to change this plane. They are dreamers with aspirations that sometimes go beyond the scope of their capabilities. We are ultrcreative and developmental, focusing on the future. Sometimes the present takes a back seat to these future prospects. We fear stagnation and idleness; we question if we are where we are supposed to be. At times, we feel as if we are in the wrong relationship, field of work, role in life, or even the wrong skin. This is the fundamental drive of the Spring or Waking Sun. Our characteristics include a natural happiness and optimism because we live for the future. We are usually artistic, creative, and always interested in something new. We wish to expand as much as we can. We want to become the most that we can and our drive is incredible in its capacity. We are the most abundant source of natural energy or "life force". It is all about setting life up for the continuation of its cycle and ensuring the cycle moves forward.
Those born under the Summer, or Conscious Sun, are very goal oriented in a more short term manner; the people born in June, July, and August are very oriented toward completion of tasks and success. These people tend to seek out instant gratification, as opposed to the long term. In many ways they are very aware of their presence and their role on this plane. They only question their role in Life when a question is unavoidable. They see themselves as in the middle of a project that needs closure. They are the life of a party, satisfied with the present, as long as it is perfected to their degree of satisfaction. They come into existence in the middle of the maturation stage of Life. Usually, this means they are very headstrong, confident, and assertive. Their personality's are strong and are the rocks that people use as touchstones. They can get the job done. Their capability is unquestionable and they naturally are competitive. They love to be festive and usually live life to the fullest in the moment. They fear stagnation more than any other personality type, for Fall is around the corner; they do not like to procrastinate and can be short with those that do not assimilate to their fast paced ideals. They are not dreamers as much as they are doers.
The people born in September, October, and November are born under the Waning Sun, or Fall. These people are the introspective of the seasons. They are the introverts of the bunch and tend to keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves primarily. On the outside, they may appear to be smooth and unruffled, but internally, they are prone to emotional conflict and over analyzation. They usually are punctual and produce a commendable degree of activity. They are not usually focused on the future, but the past and its significance to their present. They are avid lovers of history and why things operate the way that they do. They are very logical and clinical in their view of the world because their creative energies usually are focused internally on defining what goes on within their minds and hearts. They are reclusive and have a tendency to isolate, especially when something is bothering them. However, they are rather dependable and pragmatic due to their love of logic and order. They also have an innate appreciation for the beauty that IS, as apposed to creating beauty.
The Winter, or Sleeping Sun, people are born December, January, and Febraury; these people are entities of enjoyment, relaxation, and rest. These people are very prone to find enjoyment in the details of Life. Creativity, drive, success, and accomplishment of goals are more internalized. They see themselves as the priority of their energies in that they are very comfortable in their own skin and seek out ways to better relax and enjoy their lives. They are jubilant and naturally festive. They are the least driven in the external sense of life because they are constantly internalized in finding comfort within themselves. They are natural lovers and enjoy having someone to relax and love. They tend to be very easy going and very accepting of people; they even are known to have a sedative affect on others, making them very sought after to talk to. The season of dormancy, or energy conservation, dominates their psyche and their goals for the future and analysis of the past take a backseat to the goal of the present in finding internal peace. They enjoy naps, vacations, and lounging. The details in life are of paramount importance because that is their realm. They can sit idle and really soak in their surroundings in detail. They are very distressed when hassled or in the presence of anything chaotic. They are very emotional and show their emotions for others freely, however, they do have difficulty in sharing their deep emotions towards themselves.
It is important to understand what type of personality one is because it is the foundation of their responses to Life; essentially, it is how they approach Life and IS the perspective by which thier lives are filtered through. This will inevitably influence how they deal with problems, approach situations that involve others, process their emotions, and view themselves. For example, if a Spring child is doing his best to accomplish a goal with someone and that person accuses them of slacking off, they are prone to becoming offended, angry, and will self-analyze immediately, taking the criticism to heart and being hurt; they may or may not retaliate with words of their own depending on the level of criticism, but is definite that they will not forget the assertion that they are not doing their part. The Summer child will react in much the same manner, but will usually not self analyze and jump immediately to a counter attack, being the driven and competitive person they are. The Fall child will hear the criticism and be internally affected by it, but will not allow the critic to have the satisfaction of knowing they have affected them in a negative way; they are usually logical and will externalize the issue by criticizing the critic or simply assuming that the critic is having a bad day. The Winter child, loving a peaceful environment and choosing to see the criticism as a threat to their relaxation will simply choose to not be affected by the criticism; they would rather keep the peace and offer the critic a listening ear. They may become annoyed, but to a negligible degree because they are their own sanctuary.
On a simpler note, one can see the core of the personality deliniations by comparing humanity to trees; Druids from ancient times have done this for centuries and even subscribed to the notion that trees were superior to humans in that humans have flawed emotions , therefore, must be servants to nature. Using the template of the tree to examine how nature affects humanity, one can see the foundation of the human psyche and the way it is in sync with nature. For example, in the spring, trees prime initiative is to grow and branch out as much as possible in order to gain the most life giving light; the tree is the most active with its energies externally-they will grow in any fashion necessary to ensure they will be able to mature, expending mass amounts of energy in doing so. When summer rolls around, the tree is strong and uses less energy as it has matured and begins to produce seedlings, deeper roots, or other little goals; this is when the tree is the strongest and most accomplished having grown upright, strong, and is less fragile. When autumn rolls around, the tree begins to store the energy that it has absorbed from the summer's light and reveals its awesome colors in satisfaction before dropping its leaves with the most energy activity being internal. By the time winter has arrived, the tree is dormant with all of its stored energy in its roots and at a minimal expenditure; this saved energy that is left over in the spring will be the energy that "springs" the tree back into active production of leaves to replentish itself. The cycle continues from there until the time that the tree is cut or dies. Ironically, the tree lives again in the identical clones that it has dropped to the fertile plane of Earth in the summer's end, a form of reincarnation.
How does this tie into me and my life? Well, I had to give you the foundation from which my ideology stems and why I see what I see when I look at myself and my life. Currently, I am in the season of my deepest introspection while searching for a peace within myself. The Season I am born under does not change, therefore my drive is the same, just directed into the phase that I am currently in. I am a future oriented person in the phase of introspection that is assigned to finding peace within myself. The focus of my attention is directed by the season I AM IN, while the application of that energy is dictated by the personality season I am; I am actively trying to find solace and peace within myself so I can relax and center my being for spiritual rest. If I ignore this, then I may not reserve the energy necessary to give my Life my best when my prime season of spring rolls around. My activity will be flawed, I will feel lethargic and possibly depressed by lack of life energy. To be more specific, I am soul searching and defining who and what I am along with what role or lesson I must learn from my life. This is difficult and painful. As I identify deficits within me, I meditate on them, personify them, and write them down in an artistic form to give them body/meaning while getting them out of my being. In a sense, I am purging myself of negative energy to make room for positive growth and energy.
Currently, I have identified my loneliness, not only in my physical space, but in my view of the world, myself, and the people I love. For the longest time, I felt as if I was shameful and unworthy of positive attention. I wonder why no one calls me. Why I affected myself this way from childhood. Essentially, what is so damn wrong with me that I do not deserve unconditional love and acceptance; why are all of my flaws so easily focused on and overpowering than my accomplishments? Why do I hold in this deep pain and feelings of inadequacy because I don't feel loved the way I want? Why did I allow myself to hold that pain do close to me until it irritated me and turned to a rage that I could only escape from through substance abuse? Why did I bottle that pain up until its pressure caused me such violent mood swings? How do I want to be loved? I thought these were questions that needed to be answeredn when in fact, these questions and their answers were never real. When I learned to understand my natural impulses through my season type, I realize that my drives are of a natural force, rather than an emotional source or fixation that makes me so driven to create these questions and seek out answers that don't exist. Once I realized this, the patterns of my life opened up before me and I received clarity. I see that I am the result of nature and environmental influences that converged to create emotions, and THOSE emotions are what hurt me. I created them out of confusion and held onto them out of not knowing any alternative. The simple fact is that I grew up in a family that never really was in any crisis other than the crisis they created... a self perpetuated cycle of blame assignment and habit! Negative mojo! Essentially, there is nothing wrong with my family! We are three dreamers that revolved around a rock! How perfect is that? If anything, my poor father, the rock, is the real victim!!! I am surprised that he isn't clinically insane! He likes instant gratification when everyone else was happy to take our own time to enjoy the process of formulation. THAT is the foundation or emotional setting of our family. Add to this the mix that nothing was wrong with our family, other than OTHER PEOPLE convincing our family something WAS wrong. People are imperfect in so many different ways. That is what makes people so damn perfect! However, sometimes those imperfections can combine and compound into an issue that is necessary to learning life's lessons. I think there were too many "phantom lessons" being focused on. The undertones of my family are simple:
My mother and father had a hard time finding what they considered true happiness when they actually had it... Anyone who watches an episode of Roseanne can see that. Life is NOT meant to be an episode of Leave It To Beaver!!! Besides, if it was, that is exactly where I would like to leave it... TO BEAVER!!! Enter a bunch of relatives that can smell uncertainty, combined with a need for attention, and you all of a sudden have chaos, resulting in aggravation and inevitably shrinks! Ironically, I received the records of my time with good ol' Dr. Fruge' and I was completely underwhelmed. With the education I have in psychology, through my childhood pictures I see a normal family that is convinced that they were in crisis... we simply became that!!!
I mean really!? What family that has school aged children is the perfect image of harmony? That chaos is the reason why the phrase, "The Family Circus" exists... So, with that in mind,
I am more able to let go of the need to hold on to old habits of feeling victimized because I understand my drives and impulses better; along with the clarity that this new ideology has given me, I also am more knowledgeable of what is going on in my present. I understand that where I am is a direct result of mot doing what nature has told me to do; therefore, nature has corrected my mistake and made me focus on what is needed to recenter myself. My so called "DEMONS" are slowly, but surely being unveiled and exposed as the simple psyche traps that they are. Self-loathing, self-pity, anger, blame assignment, sadness, depression, mania, envy, and any other general weakness is slowly being exposed, expunged, understood, and expelled from my being. he hard part is breaking the old habits and replacing it with my new way of life.
But, my life, thus far is one of exploration, peace, relaxation, and knowing myself as a good person that lost track of what is really important in life... my true nature.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I Love No one

Alone all day
I hear what they say
or maybe it was me?
Who was it who said,
"You live like you're dead!
So, why not set yourself free?"
The Voices say
they rule the day
when no one is around.
They take up the space
in this empty place
with their bickering sound.
No one is here...
No one is near...
No one is my best friend.
No one fights for me...
No one adores me...
No one is by me till the end.
No one tells the Voices to go
because No one really knows
who the voices really are.
No one says they are'nt me
and No one can set me free
No one can see my scars.
No one is with me now.
The Voices bow
to only No one.
No one tells me what to do.
No one says I must choose between the two.
So, my choosing is done.
So, its my choice:
The Voices' noise
or simply No one.... NO ONE!!!
Without No one, there is only the Voices
that differ in their opinion of me.
Without No one, there are no choices
and I am stuck with the Voices, you see.
But, who are you and what do you do?
Reading my thoughts like they are.
It must be true, you know No one too!!!
Does No one also see your scar???
Maybe.. you and me... WE!!!
Should get together with No one!!!
We can sit and chat over this and that!!!!
Wouldn't that be such grand fun???

The Ryhme

Everyday is just a day,
another drop in a sea
of salty tears that make the year
spread out here before me.
Nothing to do... No visits from you...
My perception turns inward on me
just to see insanity
for without it, what WOULD I do?
Biding time by weaving ryhme
is all that I can bare.
Searching my brain
for words that ryhme with "insane"...
I'd rather just sit and stare.
Out my window, there is a world
that I can not participate.
I can view and stew in my room
and can no longer concentrate.
Now is winter and you can see
the water that falls from the sky.
It accumulates before me,
the kindred tears from skies that cry.
They remind me in their bleakness
of my mental weakness
for wanting colors all around.
But I sit all alone
within my home
where my screams only resound.
They echo back
in their own attack.
I can only sit still.
I can not see a mirror of me
and shattering it will not kill
this life that I gave
to posterity's slave
so freely when I could.
Maybe its time to end the ryhme
while it is still understood.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Fool or Hanged Man

He will hang upside down and frown
from the pedestal and crown
annointed to him by destiny
Tarot king of fools, you see.
The devout fan of The Hanged Man,
he knows that he must be.
Is one able to know which side of the table
from which one is meant to see?
Upright or uptight
no difference is really made.
There is no jolly in the folly
of this card thats played.
So hard be this card,
when the decks shuffling is willed.
By the words and swords
a number must be killed.
Read to thee a history
in reverse line.
Read to thee the misery
that we surely find.
To rule the tool of the Fool,
one must not think
and be the keeper and the reeper
of a soul that sinks.
Woe is me, never receives pity
for it was written in the stars.
All is made clear through the beer
and spirits of the bars.
Drives insane or in and out of lanes
until a stop is inevitable made.
Heed the call of the law
that must surely be obeyed.
Strip my skin and all within
from my mortal being
and feather and tar over the scar
a folly for the seeing.
Yet beneath and underneath
the down and black pitch
is a wound that will balloon
and eventually pop the stitch.
Twas made so this way to go
and infect all of the senses
to incarcerate and appropriate
my defences without fences.
Left to kill my last long will
is the seed of my travesty;
there is no resilience in the brilliance
of murder's majesty.
Can one hide from suicide
when it is underneath your skin?
Can one abide when it resides
outside and within?
Hope and doubt have to shout
louder to make themselves clear
that they blend into one when its begun
and the end is drawing near.
To see the sign of the finish line
after such a pyrric race
makes one have to at least laugh
in irony's sardonic face.
On Life's shards, spread are the cards
to draw one from the pool.
For my own sake, I pray the choice I make
is NOT again The Fool.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

One Word

One word can break the code of silence.
Silence tells me all I need to know.
Silence equates to emotional violence,
violence hiding within a hidden foe.
One word, one word...
One word is enough to let it go.
One world driven into madness,
madness driven by the depths below.
Words stolen by deepening sadness
never convey what you need to know.
One world, one world...
One world reaps the harvest we must sow.
One lie tells a thousand stories,
the most horrible stories ever told.
One lie, one lie...
One lie tells me all the secrets you may hold.
One man can predict the future.
One man claims it is not so.
One man, one man...
One man knows that he has no soul.
One truth can set us free,
free to know all we need to know.
One truth, one truth...
One truth hidden behind a world of woe.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Our Family Christmas

The Holiday Season and Christmas trees
invoke in me childhood memories
when everything was full of magic and mystery.

The increasing angst as Christmas grew near,
the warming laughter of Yule-time cheer,
these are my favorite times in our history.

Lights and sights, cookies and cake,
sneaking into the kitchen while the goodies bake...
It all seemed to me like living in a dream.

Recreating and decorating to the records we had,
Concentrating and contemplating if I had been too bad,
I always figured I'd just have to wait and see.

Choosing and perusing for the right Christmas tree
and then Rocking Around it with Brenda Lee,
life was so perfect and made just for me.

The thrill and the will to go to bed before eight
listening to the roof for the creak of Santa's weight,
slowly I lost to sleep's powerful might.

I would wake and take to the living room
so fast I made a sonic boom,
and behold a most magical sight!

Presents piled high and in the tree's glow
excited me beyond anything I'd ever know
and off I would dash to my sister's bed.

I would wake her and get no fuss
and tell her of gifts that Santa brought for us
and we'd go to the tree without another word said.

We'd take and shake a gift or two
and then wonder aloud or simply argue
which of us would wake our Mom and Dad.

In the end we know both of us would go
and to their room we would tip toe
to open their door and silently peer in.

There they would sleep with the dreams they keep
and my sister and I would not make a peep
until our anxiousness over us would win.

Like a dream it seemed Mom's eyes opened and gleamed
and she'd smile a smile that just seemed to beam
and she'd rub Dad's back and coax Dad awake.

My sister and I would fly to the bed
and say, "Daddy get up, you sleepyhead!!!"
Dad would yawn and ask how many cookies did Santa take?

Then we would all walk through the hall
to the living room where we would fall
kids on the floor and the couch for Mom and Dad.

The cat climbed the tree, my sister giggled with glee,
I wished it was me, and Mom and Dad went to see
just how many cookies Santa had had.

Mom would make coffee so they could wake up
then they'd sit on the couch with a piping hot cup
and my sister and I would line presents in rows.

Dad would ask who would have Santa's task
of handing out gifts while we all would bask
under the tree in multicolored light.

So, Dad would decide and we would abide.
The choice was made clear when Santa's hat was applied
and there was never any fight.

Whether is was my sister or me, we both got to be
Santa for a morning throughout our Christmas history
and Christmas mornings always were happy and fun.

I would tear while my sister opened with care
all of the gifts that waited there
and Mom and Dad would sit back and smile.

They had gifts too and and quite more than a few
and opening gifts is what we would do,
leaving the paper in a mountainous pile.

So many joys and toys that Christmas employs,
I felt as one with other good girls and boys,
frolicked in the aftermath of such a wonderful day.

Christmas always made me feel like a real winner
and I ate voraciously at our Christmas dinner
and I remember my parents would always say:

"Hey kids, how was your Christmas?"
Never knowing they would eventually miss us
as we grew up and left our parent's nest.

But, we yearn to return when the Yule logs burn
and into winter the Season will turn
because Christmas time was always the BEST!!!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Beautiful Bucks County's First Snow of the Season: 12/03/05

Welcome to Bucks County, PA!!!
This is my home and where I currently
am. This is a great parcel of land on the Delaware Canal and Delaware River. The area that I live in is known for its incredible natural beauty, outdoor activities, River sports, and for its history. George Washington probablywalked right through my yard on his way to Trenton to ambush the English. As a matter of fact, the Black Bass is a Revolutionary period landmark in this area and is still owned and operated by the descendants of the same English sympathizers that turned Washington away when he sought refuge from the cold. Washington ended up staying in many of the old stone Bucks County farmhouses and barns with his troops; the Bucks County stone houses are also a famous item in this area. The Black Bass is now where I go for Sunday brunch. You can see it there.

The Fisherman

Before the Sun has begun
to create the day
the Fiserman writes in his log
the anticipation of his play.
His eye to the sky listening to seagulls cry
he looks upon the Sea
and wonders if his trusty skiff
can brave the waves' coaxing plea.
Seduced by Sirens with engines firin'
into the wind he holds the boats nose
the rise and fall of the water's marching walls
are cut through as minions of foes.
Heeding the call of the rising glowing ball
the Fisherman ventures out;
he will embark past the mark
without any hesitation or doubt.
He knows Poseidon will be hidin'
for today he can feel in his bones
that today is the day that people will say
"That man is blessed by Davy Jones!"
With sprays of sea mist and the helm held in his fist
he rides his nautical vessel where waters run deep
and cuts the power knowing that this is the hour
he will reveal secret bounty the oceans keep.
With a stern nod to God he grabs his rod
and administers his hunk of bait
and then at last his rod is cast
and he waits upon the bait's fate
Still in his rocking with eyes stalking
the mariner's blue avenue
he chews his tobacco plug anticipating the tug
that is his fight's invisible cue.
Knowing his time has come he sees in the chum
the wave of a dorsal fin
and can tell by its height it will be a hellish fight
and readys himself to begin.
Man versus beast facing the East
with wind now upon his back.
The fishing is best when winds hail from the West,
this Monster's spirit he must crack.
For hours, they fight in the dull morning light
battling wills in heavy breath.
To the fisherman's delight the monster's head is in sight!
He pulled from the Sea, jaws of Death!
Banners held high you can still hear the cry
of that fisherman on his boat,
for he knows its just time till he's back at the brine
of the Marina so he can gloat.
The other Salty Dogs will gather like hogs
around this Fisherman's catch
and in their soul is a hole as the Fisherman's chuckles roll
in knowing his catch they can never match!
To this day, some people still say
they can hear the Fisherman's thrill
when seagulls flock around that creaky dock
where the Fisherman brought in his kill!

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Sweaty palms in the humid balm
of the downhome molasses night
that rolls and cajoles with the jubilant souls
that dance with all of their might.
The fiddle teams and screams as stars beam
high in the glittering canopy sky,
as the washboard pounds in the mix of the sounds
attuned to the accordion’s cry.
The beautiful people dance in exotic romance
to beats and rhythms from afar
under different colored light in summer’s delight
that reflect from where the various origins are.
Tightly sewn in the melodic tone
is the lust of love and life’s bliss
causing bare feet tapping and excited clapping
all sealed with a deep South, French kiss.
Spanish moss sways outside where the music plays
in the warm moonlit bayou breeze
where crickets sound as lover’s resound
embracing in a kiss where they freeze.
Cattails and catfish sails from the water prevails
to join the festivities and dance
while the croaking bull frogs and turtles on logs
stare as if in a trance.
Gator’s glittering eyes and heavy clouds in the skies
illuminate in the vibrant swamp light
of the full moon’s rays as the zydeco plays
all on this Louisiana summer’s night.

Friday, December 02, 2005

The Birth of a Christmas Tradition

When four of Santa's elves got sick, and the trainee elves did not produce the toys as fast as the regular ones, Santa was beginning to feel the pressure of being behind schedule.
Then Mrs. Claus told Santa that her Mom was coming to visit. This stressed Santa even more.
When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two had jumped the fence and were out, heaven knows where.More stress.
Then when he began to load the sleigh one of the boards cracked, and the toy bag fell to the ground and scattered the toys.
So, frustrated, Santa went into the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered that the elves had hidden the liquor, and there was nothing to drink.
In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider pot, and it broke into hundreds of little pieces all over the kitchen floor.
He went to get the broom and found that mice had eaten the straw end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and irritable Santa trudged to the door. He opened the door, and there was a little angel with a great big Christmas tree.The angel said, very cheerfully, "Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't it a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?"And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Christmas List

Well, it is that season again... I like what my sister did, so I am putting up a christmas list also. I feel greedy, but "GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!!!"Ha! HA! Naw, I always get great stuff for Christmas; most times it is chocked full of things that I didn't even realize I needed or wanted. Christmas is a nice holiday in my family. So, I guess I should begin my short little list....

1) I would LOVE a pair of K-Swiss Classic shoes; these are my two favorite
styles. They are K-Swiss Classic Originals... The snazzy black, tan, and white shoe is called the "K-Swiss Classic LXP" and they are black, dune, and white in color. The brown on brown shoes are called "K-Swiss Classic LX LP" and are aztec and dune in color. They are tumbled or cashmered leather uppersole with outsoles of Aosta rubber cupsole with forefoot flex grooves and ice color pop. They have the K-Swiss signature 5-stripes with corded piping, three-piece toe, and D-rings. The K-Swiss sheild is embroidered on their tongue. These shoes are of luxury comfort, classic looks, and very nice!!! Where Nike and other "sneakers" of less quality cost $70-$250, the K-Swiss Classics are only $65. plus shipping and handling. They can be ordered online at (just click on the link and look for their pictures... ordering instructions are easy). As far as buying them in a store, I don't really know where you can buy them. But, you can get GREAT deals online!!!! For example, instead of $65, you can get the fancy black, dune, and white ones here for $64.99 with free shipping-----> , and you can get the brown ones for $59.95 here ---> .... Shipping can be a bitch sometimes... But, they are high quality shoes with a nice Jamesian look about them for less than those monkey-hopping-basketball-wannabe NIKEs. This is #1 on my wish list...

2) I would like a bottle of the Obsession Night Men's cologne by Calvin Klein; I have never tried it, but I like the regular Obession also. A small bottle of both, or a larger bottle of either is great! You can find GREAT deals at . I just like the way these fragrances smell.

3) Playstation 2 games: Resident Evil 4 and/or Shadow of the Colossus;
these games are violent, but not in a real world sense. Resident Evil 4 is about killing the undead hordes of zombies and Shadow of the Colossus is about killing giants that are as tall as a skyscraper and have taken over the Earth. They can be found at Wal-Mart, the Gamestop, or any gaming store.