Wednesday, December 21, 2005


How amazing it must be
to harness Life and set it free.
You could have chosen to be another,
but you chose to become my Mother.
A piece of yourself you did sow
and feed it love and help it grow.
You put yourself last to protect me
to see I grew up safe and happy.

Somehow you just instinctly knew
all the right things to say and do.
Months and months you went through
carrying me within you.
Until the day I would arrive
you fought Fate to keep me alive.
Your fighting spirit willed me to live
and that fighting spirit to me you give.
I may not have had a most feirce battle cry
but, your Lifeforce was heard in my tired sigh.

Your giving heart did not stop there,
for you gave me a sister to love and care.
So close in age until the end,
you gave me my closest friend!
Along with me on Youth's long ride
I had a sister by my side.
The greatest gift I ever received
and that is how she is perceived!
In everything that I might go through
you gave me my Little Roo!
You taught me to love her well
and to see us you can tell
that the love in all I do
passes through me straight from you.

When we were young, you taught us how to play
and how to have fun everyday.
From pots and pans till the day was done
you made everday full of fun.
From my soccer to drill team's pom pom
you always were a Supermom.
You made life fun in so many ways
especially at the holidays!!!

I remember clearly every year
the massive abundance of holiday cheer
that you created all on your own.
How you did it is still unknown!
Cooking, shopping, working, baking...
wrapping, stashing, and home-making!
You made magic with every word
and even left out that Reindeer turd
that Squiggy left on the floor
for over two hours... maybe more!
You always kept equal tabs
on what was up for Christmas grabs.
You made every holiday a special one
by making it memorable and fun!

You even woke up with barely any sleep
and was still somehow able to silently keep
Santa's secret when it was really you
that was Santa, elves, and reindeer too!
Our gifts were always the perfect mix
of clothes, toys, and a sweet sugar fix.
Another thing that I can say truly
is that you kept us under control when we were unruly!

Try as we did, brothers and sisters will fight
and you held us together strong and tight
until we knew what was expected of us...
We are brother and sister, no matter the fuss!!!
We simply grew up knowing that was the way
and we still love and respect each other today.
Tiny and mighty and so full of love and light,
my Mother, is so true and right.
Even today, when I lean real hard
upon her emotions, no holds are barred.
She takes all my pain and makes me whole
with her eternal loving soul.
So accepting she is paths that I take,
she even puts up with the friends that I make.
She must be the greatest and pluckiest mother hen
to put up with the likes of my dearold JEN!!!

What did I ever do to deserve such a saint
for a perfect little angel, I just ain't.
I am crass and obnoxious and sometimes rude
and a mixed bag of emotions and unpredictable mood.
But, I know beyond a reasonable doubt
that my mother loves me deeply without
any reservation or condition or what-for
because I am the son that she loves and adores.

Where does she get this love and loyalty
and this sense of glamour akin to royalty.
From the day of that weak little sigh,
my Mother told me to hold my head up high.
When I can't, she will do it for me
and takes no credit, just says "That's family..."
Momma, your special and you know I love you!!!!
You learned from the best, you had a Supermom too!

Momma, I love you with every cell in this body that you made! I know I am far from perfect, but thank you for always making me believe that I was!


Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

I NEVER said you were a saint... especially that old dried up Mother Theresa... You too juicy and fabulous for that! LMAO!

7:23 PM  
Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...


3:14 PM  

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