Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I Love No one

Alone all day
I hear what they say
or maybe it was me?
Who was it who said,
"You live like you're dead!
So, why not set yourself free?"
The Voices say
they rule the day
when no one is around.
They take up the space
in this empty place
with their bickering sound.
No one is here...
No one is near...
No one is my best friend.
No one fights for me...
No one adores me...
No one is by me till the end.
No one tells the Voices to go
because No one really knows
who the voices really are.
No one says they are'nt me
and No one can set me free
No one can see my scars.
No one is with me now.
The Voices bow
to only No one.
No one tells me what to do.
No one says I must choose between the two.
So, my choosing is done.
So, its my choice:
The Voices' noise
or simply No one.... NO ONE!!!
Without No one, there is only the Voices
that differ in their opinion of me.
Without No one, there are no choices
and I am stuck with the Voices, you see.
But, who are you and what do you do?
Reading my thoughts like they are.
It must be true, you know No one too!!!
Does No one also see your scar???
Maybe.. you and me... WE!!!
Should get together with No one!!!
We can sit and chat over this and that!!!!
Wouldn't that be such grand fun???


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

You love no one? Nah, you love me, cause I am sista roo!

1:27 PM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

Wel, of course! The poem is about loneliness... The choice between being concsious of your loneliness or bitter with your thoughts. No one symbolizes my loneliness and The Voices symbolize my emotions and thoughts and whatever else is in my head. I particularly like how it spirals into helpless outrage and madness at the end... LOL!

8:44 AM  

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