Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Halloween Trudges Closer!

Ahhhhh, the sun is vibrant today! I love days like this. NO RAIN!!! The temperature has dropped to a nice plateau of around 50-55 degrees; the wind is ripping through the trees that are slowly fading into dramatic color. I love autumn in all of its splendor! Crisp stain-glass like leaves catching the radiant sunlight and illuminating the ground, the orchard smell of the countryside fragrant in a bouquet of Fall aromas, the anticipation of spiced apple cider and warm scones... what else is there??? Oh yes, Halloween is coming!
Halloween is a wonderful holiday that has always been mystical to me. I was taught at a very young age what is truly about. Maybe that has an impact on the way I feel towards the last day of October.
Halloween is the most important festival of witchcraft. Its history goes back 2000 years to the Druids, an ancient pre-Celtic priestly order of Gaul, in honor of Samhain (pronounced Sa-Ween), Lord of the dead. Very depraved people, these Druids! They're believed to have built Stonehenge, the monolithic stone carvings in England where massive human sacrifices took place. Stonehenge is believed to have been erected to calculate the sun's movements and determine the exact day on which to honor the Earth Mother goddess through human sacrifices. Which day would that be? Halloween, of course.
The name "Halloween" is derived from the phrase, "All Hallow's Eve," October 31st, the Eve of Samhain, the Celtic New Year. Samhain supposedly called up all the evil souls who had died the previous year and demons, fairies, elves, ghosts sprang up from the netherworld. To ensure fertility to cattle and crops, firstborn children were offered as living sacrifices to satisfy theses evil creatures. Today, we emulate these folkloric and demonic practices by dressing up like monsters, demons, skeletons, the undead, as we go to Halloween parties and "trick or treat." It was believed that these demons insisted upon "treats" to keep them from performing their "tricks," or curses, on people's lives. So, people would leave the finest food and drink for them on their doorsteps, usually devoured by stray dogs, cats, wild animals and vagabonds. If dissatisfied with the treats, it was feared they might enter the house causing destruction of property or person, i.e., ruining a water well, killing cattle, souring milk, sickness and even death.
In 834 A.D., the Catholic Church moved All Saints Day from May to November 1st (to placate the Roman worshippers of Pomona, goddess of fruit and trees), as well as the newly conquered descendants of the Druids in Germany and Scandinavia. Thus, Halloween is often celebrated as the eve of All Saints Day with the same reverence for the dead.
Demons are not merely things of superstition. Demons are symbols of the darkest aspect of the human psyche. Symbols are the very things used by those who have embraced the occult in the conjuring of the spirits they represent. Hey, if symbols were meaningless, we could adorn the walls of your church as safely with swastikas as with crosses! Bobbing for apples? Originally, a means of divining the future. Jack-o'-lanterns? Came from a tale of a man who tricked the devil into leaving him alone and was denied both Heaven and hell but lights his way at night carrying a glowing coal in a carved out turnip. Witches are often pictured with black cats. Practitioners of witchcraft believe these felines are the best lodging place for familiar spirits, the demons who predict the future and act as guides for a single witch or an entire coven. Ravens, owls, broomsticks, cauldrons ... there is an interesting history to every aspect of Halloween's symbols and traditions.
For me, Halloween is a symbol of the human ability to shapeshift. Yes, we really can shapeshift! Not in the traditional sense, but we certainly can become whatever personality we choose to in a given situation. Halloween is just that situation, but turned up a few thousand notches. It is a day we can be anyone we want to: ourselves in a higher state of mind, someone else, a mythological creature, a symbol, the possibilities are endless!!! What you choose to be is an interesting insight into your personality and mind. I love watching children in costumes scramble from door to door; I get even more of a kick out of the parents that accompany them. Some parents are dressed up and have become children too, while others stand at the sidewalk looking please to see their child having fun. ME? I am in a costume running around as a child... definitely!!! I don't think I will ever grow up! (at least, not when it comes to holidays) I owe it to my ancestors to make the most of my flesh... If I am in this material vehicle, I am going to have fun! What better way to have fun and tribute your ancestors than Halloween!!!? ERIN GO SAMHAIN!!!! (Celtic for " LONG LIVE SAMHAIN!!!")


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

You always write the coolest things, I have to get my ass up there! I promise I will!

4:32 PM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

Well, Halloween is closing in, my dear sister! You have a limited amount of time! If ya don't make it, you better not drink and funny looking wine or coffee!!! OOooooaahhhhh HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!

11:48 PM  

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