Monday, October 24, 2005

Buddha James and the Enlightened Duality of Life

Hard times can come in many forms; they can attack you all at once from every possible angle testing your perseverence physically, emotionally, and spiritually at the same time in a state of torture, they can blend into the backdrop of your mind and stab you when you least expect it, and they can pick at you slowly in monotonous little bites that seem to go one for days. You can suffer consciously or you can suffer subconsciously while assuming everything is okay, the mind is a strange and complex routing system. What is important to understand is that the mind is a complex routing system in another way, it is the control tower for the most powerful element on this plane of existence... YOU!
The mind is both spiritual and physical in its existence within the human body. Whatever you dwell on and feed it, you become. If you entertain thoughts of matter or material, you become materialistic and throw off your balance. If you focus too much on your spirit, you neglect your body and threaten your health. If you feed your mind upon what is Divine, then you become Divine.
The very fact that you find yourself conscious of being alive, yet capable of suffering disappointments, capable of being aware that something is missing from your experience in the present- disappointed in people, delusioned with your own family, disappointed in yourself- you have forgotten the Divine... the miracle of existence and the gift of being in a world where you create your reality. You are either the arist, making beauty from the clay... or you are nothing, hoping the clay can make something out of you!
Consider this: The more and more that you are compelled by your intuition, or listen to your soul's voice within you, the greater, the farther, the deeper, the broader, the more constructive the results of your actions become... for one that seeks the divinity of wholeness MUST believe that wholeness can be acheived.
Though we are physical and spiritual entities at the same time, this duality is not supposed to confuse us and trap us in our skin. It is supposed to aid our souls by giving us the means to express our wills in a physical forum... our souls do not thirst for material, they thirst for the quenching feeling of the spiritual success that can only be found through bonding with another emotionally and finding your place in eternity.
Final hint: If you feel like something is missing in your life and you rely on outside things to give you the illusion of being full when empty, you are searching in the wrong place; turn inwards and look inside to find what is truly missing and put it out into the world to gain wholeness. Love does not cost a thing and looks good on anyone- one size fits all, it never clashes, and suits every occasion! God Bless this plane of pain....


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

Nice post.

1:56 PM  

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