Monday, October 24, 2005

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Test

Well, today I took the entrance exams for graduate school; my scores are above average for the most part. The GRE is kinda like the SAT, but for those people that choose to further their education. Therefore, the average is a score calculated from above average people. I feel good to know that I scored in the top 25% in the verbal aspect and did well in the math part too. I will not find out my total score until the written analysis part of the exam comes back. I think I did the best in that part because I love to write and am not that shabby at it. All in all, I think I might have pulled of anywhere between a 1200-1500 on the GRE.
I don't think I did the best I could do; it is a timed test and mathematics is NOT my forte, especially when you drink a bunch of coffee before the test and your test time doesn't stop when you go to the bathroom. I had 30 minutes to complete 28 verbal questions, then 30 minutes to complete 30 math problems; the written analysis consisted of writing an impromptu dicertation about the influenze virus and the connection that solar flares have to historical pandemics of influenza in regard to an article that appeared in a popular newspaper that directed people to stay out of the sun in order to ward of the flu. Talk about a really wierd topic to write about!!! I think I pulled a rabbit out of my hat there! LOL
The other writing topic was basically examining the reason behind the argument that television is killing reading and obliterating the learning that reading fosters in today's information age. How ridiculous!!!! I basically argued that books have been around for centuries; they have evolved as far as they are going to, which is why television is so attractive to us... IT IS NEW!!!! On that point, the written word basicall deliniates what is prehistoric and historic. I contend that the evolution of our modes of learning and education shifted to where television is more of a leisure item and books have become more of a learning mechanism; it is all apart of the evolution of the very young television vs. the age old book in addition to the roles we ascribe to each genre of intellectual expression. I further commented on the fact that the television does not take very much focus is more of a social crutch that is not really cultured to be educational when reading books is highly intellectual and just the act of reading teaches one the mechanics of one's written language and fosters creative thinking through stimulation of the imagination. In short, modern times have not caused television to replace books in our lives; it is just obvious that the roles that each item has taken on, books as intellectual stimulus vs. television as leisure/rest, has become more separate in a time when leisure is more focused on. BLAH BLAH BLAH.... I did this all day. From 9 am to 7:30pm..... I am drained! I know I scored well over 1000 and that was my minimum target, so I am signing off!!! TO HELL WITH STUDYING FOR A FEW DAYS!!!! (I gotta do this all over again in 2 weeks for my GRE Psychology-specific test... 70-100 questions in 4 hours on psychology's history, practice, etiology, neurological aspects, medical qualities, experimental attributes, and research orientation including APA requirements... UGH!!!!!! Eat your heart out Sigmund Freud!!!! LOL!)


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