Saturday, October 22, 2005

Ode to Da Mamma

It has come to my attention that times have been very hard for me and in my pain, sorrow, and frustration (not to mention confusion), I have inadvertantly isolated my Momma; though she is twisted in her own way, where do you think I get it from, she is an ANGEL in her own right!!!
You may be saying, "Well, YOU are just a momma's boy!" My response is simple... "YEAH! AND WHAT OF IT!!!?" I am proud to be a momma's boy, especially if you knew my momma!!!
My momma is the real deal!!! (LOL... Diehl) She has a zest for life that she can't ignore! No one else can either when she lets it loose! She is fun to be around! She enjoys almost anything, as long as it doesn't involve squirmy things or too much dirt and grime. She deep sea fishes with the best of them, she water skis, beach bums, and can work harder than almost everyone I know! When I was a child, my dad told me of an account where my momma was "swangin' of the chandalier!!!" To my amazement, she was making a mad dash for the toilet with her hand over her mouth the next morning... his story was true! I remember staring at her in her green state all morning in sheer awe... MOMMY PARTIES LIKE A ROCK STAR!!!
Loyalty??? My mother is 100%!!! She stuck by so many of the people she loves and even ones that she couldn't care if she ever saw again... why? BECAUSE IT IS WHO SHE iS!!! People can be hard on my mother, God knows I am... But, when you apologize to her for it and feel like crap in admitting it, she lifts your spirits and says, "I didn't even notice, hun." I'm just not wired to see things that way. I love the fact I have a true blue hardwired mother... and you better run faster than lightning if you say otherwise!!! (God knows, NO SPEED YOU TRAVEL AT WOULD SAVE YOU FROM MY MOMMA'S WRATH IF YOU HURT ONE OF HER BABIES!!!) Momma, I know that when you find these little new things like blogs, you scan for some recognition... Let me just point out that blogs are vents... What appears in these things are things that A) you wanna GET OUT of you, B) recognition of something out of the ordinary, C) events that detail hidden aspects of a person close to you, or D) artistic expression... Expressing who you are to me or to the Roo-ster is not something we wanna get out of us... it is something we hold close to us. Your love and presence of being is not something out of the ordinary; you show your emotions freely and in abundance. It is definitely not out of the ordinary to hear, see, or fell your love or just your essence... Hell, people in China have felt your gregarious laughter or tempest-like rage!!! (LOL...sorry, couldn't help it!) And finally, I don't think I could come up with an artistic work that could capture the many things that you mean to me... and if I could, I don't think I would want to share that with the world. It would be so very special to me that I'd keep it to myself. I love you, Momma!!! Please never forget that.

Now some viniettes about my wonderful mother... YES! It is time to brag!!!!

My momma took in a kitten and warmed it in a toaster oven!
My momma actually took my dad's back in a bar brawl in TEXAS!!! (Broke a pool stick over some dude's back!!!)
My momma used to sing to us in the bath tub:
"Down in the pond
in the itty bitty pool
Fam free wittle fishes and the Momma fishy too!
"FIM!" said the Momma fish, "FIM if you can!"
and they did and they fam all over the dam!
Bop, bop, dittle bop, bopple pitchewwwwwww!
Bop, bop, dittle bop, bopple pitchewwwwww!
and they fam and they fam all over the dam!"
(My momma made bath time so much fun... )
My momma let me listen to CLASSICAL MUSIC!!! (especially Tchaikovsky!)
My momma was a TIGERMOM!!!! (She was known to bitchslap anyone who messed with her children... still is that way!)
My momma can throw down a spread unlike anything you ever saw in minutes!!!
My momma dressed me funny, but she did it in a way that I never knew it until years later, making it a fun memory... all she had to say was, "That's what they're wearing!" and I would be sold on anything!!!! LOL!
My momma loves the holidays and really went all out to make the most of them... she speaks of times when money was tight, and I can not remember a single hint of it! There were always gifts, and decorations, and family dinners that rocked, and most importantly LOVE in abundance!
As my mother's son, it is important for me highlight the fact that my mother loves me, but she also loves herself... a trait that I know I have learned with time. You can't walk on my mother unless she loves you, then she might as well be a sidewalk... until she sees you do it knowingly or spitefully! She was the strength to cut her losses and not go down with the ship!- a trait that taught me alot, especially when I was fighting for my life in rehab. She loved me enough to send me away kicking and screaming... if that isn't love, what is! Truthfully, my momma is not only my mother, but also my bestfriend in so many ways. She will always tell it like it is. She will take a certain of level of abuse because she just doesn't see it as that... to her, it is pain that her babies are in; she just doesn't have the ability to recognize abuse until it is blatant and spiteful. My mother will NOT have mean children that are evil like that.. I know she would rather have us dead than mean and evil. Most likely, she'd be the take our lives. Luckily she never has to worry about that. I know she has two wonderful children that may not be perfect in the world's eyes, but always in hers.
Momma, if you are reading this, know this: "I love you with all of my heart! I know I am not perfect. I know that you feel the pain I inflict on myself and sometimes you have to separate because it seems as if I just am blind to what I do. But, as a mother, you are also a teacher. In that, there is a valuable lesson: Love is responsibility, what you do to yourself affects everyone who loves you. THAT is a hard lesson to learn, especially when I sometimes beat the piss out of myself. But, I am proud to say that I think I have finally made it to where I need to be. I know I feel abandoned sometimes, but I want you to know that I understand that SOME JOURNEYS YOU TAKE ALONE!!! Thank you for being there. I know I may not see it, but you are and always will be right behind me, even if I can't see you, to pick me up when I can't get up on my own. Thank you! I love you! You are a great friend and I am proud to call you my MOTHER!!!
Love your son,


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