Thursday, October 27, 2005

Emeralds and Gold ( For My Sister)

Behind those eyes of emeralds and gold
that can't disguise a soul unfathomably old
is a spirit untamed and wild,
yet sophisticated, wise, and mild.
From within that beautiful shell
radiates the light of my Michele;
my twin, my sister, my best friend,
my mind, my heart, my love never end.
I remember years ago,
before we felt the cold wet snow
and basked in the Texas sun
in Fairmont Park where life begun.
Our world could fit in a square mile;
the Park, the Ditch, the Pool... we smile
at the memories that we share.
Gilliloppers, the Cat Club, Little Rarrrr!
The humid heat and chlorine in our eyes
that made rainbows in the skies,
the hot side walk under our bare feet,
playing kickball in the street,
holiday parties at the schools,
making mischief and breaking rules,
wire-walking across the lawn...
its hard to believe those times are gone!
A two-story clubhouse right out back,
Mr.McKey mornings in his robe with his paper drinking Jack,
Sean, Christie, and all our friends
that time has split in separate ends...
The deep sunset in the Southern sky
with long wisps of spanish moss in oak trees high,
my how time has seemed to fly
since the time we kissed Texas goodbye.
To New Jersey, off we ride,
all the while you sobbed and cried.
Moving away broke your heart-
you never wanted a brand new start.
In the back of a pick-up on foam rubber,
I listened to my sister sob and blubber
and felt inside the sharp ache
of a little girl's heart crack and break.
Lucky you, for like no other,
you had ME for a brother!
I'd make you laugh and tell you stories
to ease your pain and calm your worries.
The trip was long and full of thrills.
Frozen bugs and a cat stoned on pills...
Sunny Florida and enchanted Disneyland,
our favorite relatives and beaches' white sand...
Once up North, it became clear
the world we knew was not so near.
In a campground, in a camper, in a new place,
we explored New Jersey, our original home base.
To a house that became our new home
in the woods where the Jersey Devil roams.
A green fixer-upper dream is where we lived
with plywood floors that creaked and gived,
with rats and fleas, but so many wishes...
new schools and people, like the Drisches.
Ugh... the thought is hard to bare!
But, we made it! Made it through there!
That time was bleak and hard on us.
There was not a day without a fuss.
Readjusting to a place
where nothing is familiar, not a face...
Once so popular, we fell from grace
and started over almost a subhuman race.
Thank God, time always continues its flow
because things get better as we grow.
You developed much better than I.
Then came the era I wanted to die.
It was the best of time, yet the worst...
A time I was blessed and then so cursed.
Through it all you were there for me...
so full of hope, so sisterly!
I am still so sorry I hurt you in those years
I wish you countless blessings for those tears,
especially the ones that I caused
back in the day when I was lost.
Now, I am found... as you can see!
I got away from the life that was killing me.
But, I hurt at leaving you that way
in that place where I could not stay.
Consider this my final plea,
Forgive me, Roo, I am so sorry!
You give me strength when I am weak.
You brighten the days that seem so bleak.
You let me talk until I am mute.
You have a way of being so cute.
You always give me a different view
with a perspective so uniquely you.
Your perception is sharp and so true;
without you what would I do?
In these times that are so trying
and with emotions that can't stop lying,
I am glad you are by my side
supporting me and being my guide.
What a light in this world you are!
Hopefully, you will never be too far
for us to hang out until we are old
and see you laughing in emeralds and gold.


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

Awww, Bro, This brought tears to my eyes...Thank you. Why do you think you hurt me? You didn't hurt me, was hard to see you go through some things, thats what hurt but you never purposfully hurt me...I would never in a million years look at it like that. I love you.

12:39 PM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

You are the best thing that ever happened to me! No matter how mad or messed up I feel towards our parents, I ALWAYS am grateful to them choosing to have YOU!!! You are an amazing person that never ceases to blow my mind!!!! NEVER FORGET IT!!! I love you too, Michele!!!

2:04 PM  
Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

Oh man, Bro. I was able to read this again this morning and I was bawling for like 20 minutes. I had to hop in the shower b/c I didn't want the kids to see me and get upset...they were happy then I was boo-hooin' in the bathroom....LMAO..I am such an idiot...LMAO....a blubbering one....the kids are here asking me what I am doing, I told them you wrote a beautiful poem about me and my eyes are tearing again...Toni is looking at me weird...LMAO...I would call your ass if I didn't think you were sleeping....I'll give a call later.

7:20 AM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

As the mother you these two wonderful creatures, Reading their blogs reminds me of the times I would hesitate at a closeddoor, where they would be playing and listen to their interactions and smile to myself feel myself blessed with such beautiful human beings that just happen to be my children. They have always loved each other and no doubt believe what I have always told them, that in the whole world each other should be so pricelessly cherished in both their eyes because if something happens to their Mom snd Dad, All they have is each other. I love You Both!!

5:34 PM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

Momma, you ROCK!!!! I was wondering why you wanted my password to my blog!!! (Thank God, I know she wouldn't use it!!! LOL) But, her contributuion DOES seem to cover something I didn't think of beofre... we WERE taught to love each other very much; it is a good thing that we are so talented in doing so anyway. We have leaned on each other all of our lives...

12:30 PM  
Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

OMG Bro, I just can not read this without tearing up. I can't even look at my own picture! Holy shit.

4:41 PM  

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