Once black, never back!!!! (Thanks Deb!!!! )
Well, here is the before and after pic of my hair... Yes, I dyed it black... I like it. It makes me feel all mysterious. Ya know, it may be true that blondes have more fun, but brunettes are smart enough to keep their fun to themselves. LOL So, I was a little nervouse today getting it dyed. It was the first time I ever dyed my hair. I have bleached it before, but never dyed it a permanent color. Somehow, it was liberating.
"You want highlights, do ya?", the stylist asked me.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror longing for some dramatic change that would excite my afternoon. After all, it was the one day a week that I get the chance to go out for three hours! Yay, three hours of freedom!!!!! House arrest is mutating me...
"Ya know... what would you say if told you to dye it black?", I asked the stylist through the mirror. She was facing me so I felt like I was talking to the back of her head in the reflection.
"Oh, I think it would look right as rain. " she said.
I switched my gaze to look her in the face, eye to eye. I can usually tell if someone is being sincere that way. I was not sure about this stylist. I looked into her face and one eye looked to the left and the other looked above my head. I was like, "Shit."
"Its hair...", she said, "it will grow back."
Yes it will... in a year or two, if I am lucky. I examined my everincreasingly wide forehead. Yep, a chopper could land on it. All it needed was a flagman to wave it in from the bridge of my nose. What the fuck. I never got to grow my hair long. I never got to be wild with my appearance. The wildest I ever got landed me at the doctors office getting first aid ointment on my earlobe; I peirced it with a safety pin when I was 10. It got infected and blew up to the point I thought Goodyear was gonna commision me to put its logo on it. I stared long and hard in the mirror contemplating, as the stylist stared at the floor somewhere behind me and at the clock... at the same time.
"Lets go for it.... you only live once!" I announced.
Immediately, the stylist disappeared and was mixing up the dye behind a curtain. Finally, after about 10 minutes she appeared with a bowl of lard-looking stuff and a paint brush. She started putting it on thick and even. It felt cool and slimy. I actually liked it. I closed my eyes and imagined myself in the south of France, basking in the Mediterranean sun. I was actually relaxing. I felt brave. I felt excited and kinda scared all at once. I kept my eyes closed and relaxed deeper. I almost heard the ocean waves and the Riveria's hot sun on my head... wait! That heat is real! I felt a heat rising from my head and opened my eyes. MY HAIR WAS BLUE!!!! Dark, dark, dark, blackish blue!!!! Oh shit! I was seeing what color my mother was gonna turn me when she sees what I did!!!!!
"MISS!!!"" OH MISS!!!!!!" HEYYyyyyyy!!!!" I called out kinda frantically.
The cock-eyed cutter appeared from the back room holding a Twinkie and was wiping the corner of her mouth.
"Yea?" She said, looking at the ceiling with one eye and at my right shoulder with the other.
"Why am I blue???", I asked.
"Die or sit up and wait...." she mumbled at me with bits of golden Twinkie falling into her hand.
"HUH???", I asked slowly shaking my head, "What did you say?"
The lazy eye was now looking at me as she cocked her head to her right and swallowed.
"Dye has to set up.... wait.", she said. Then she told me that it all looks like that at first and she disappeared behind the curtain again to the back area.
I trusted her. So, I closed my eyes and tried to conjure back my relaxed mood. I couldn't see the French Mediterranean anymore, but I COULD see my stylist with huge googly eyes glued to her head.... I snickered in my chair. I hope that my stylist's hair talents were better than her legal vision status.
Finally, the "DING!!!" of a timer sounded and she once more appeared smiling. She coaxed me over to a basin chair and washed out the dye. Then, she said it looked good... natural. I was relieved, but not completely. God only knows what looked natural to her. I wanted to see it for myself. After about 5 minutes of washing and conditioning and drying, my biopic barberer directed me back to my styling chair. I looked in the mirror and saw a person I thought I recognized. It was me with black hair and something else... I had eyebrows!!!! She dyed my eyebrows and I could actually see them. I have really cute eyebrows, if I do say so myself. I was happy with the cut, the dye, and spent the rest of the time up till she called me over to pay wiggling my eyesbrows up and down in different goofy and sexy expressions.
I like the hair. I am not convinced that I will keep it forever, but for now I am really happy with it. Leave a comment of what you think!!!! Who knows, once the color neutrilizes and looks more natural in like 48 hours, I may decide once black never back... at least to blonde!
"You want highlights, do ya?", the stylist asked me.
I stared at my reflection in the mirror longing for some dramatic change that would excite my afternoon. After all, it was the one day a week that I get the chance to go out for three hours! Yay, three hours of freedom!!!!! House arrest is mutating me...
"Ya know... what would you say if told you to dye it black?", I asked the stylist through the mirror. She was facing me so I felt like I was talking to the back of her head in the reflection.
"Oh, I think it would look right as rain. " she said.
I switched my gaze to look her in the face, eye to eye. I can usually tell if someone is being sincere that way. I was not sure about this stylist. I looked into her face and one eye looked to the left and the other looked above my head. I was like, "Shit."
"Its hair...", she said, "it will grow back."
Yes it will... in a year or two, if I am lucky. I examined my everincreasingly wide forehead. Yep, a chopper could land on it. All it needed was a flagman to wave it in from the bridge of my nose. What the fuck. I never got to grow my hair long. I never got to be wild with my appearance. The wildest I ever got landed me at the doctors office getting first aid ointment on my earlobe; I peirced it with a safety pin when I was 10. It got infected and blew up to the point I thought Goodyear was gonna commision me to put its logo on it. I stared long and hard in the mirror contemplating, as the stylist stared at the floor somewhere behind me and at the clock... at the same time.
"Lets go for it.... you only live once!" I announced.
Immediately, the stylist disappeared and was mixing up the dye behind a curtain. Finally, after about 10 minutes she appeared with a bowl of lard-looking stuff and a paint brush. She started putting it on thick and even. It felt cool and slimy. I actually liked it. I closed my eyes and imagined myself in the south of France, basking in the Mediterranean sun. I was actually relaxing. I felt brave. I felt excited and kinda scared all at once. I kept my eyes closed and relaxed deeper. I almost heard the ocean waves and the Riveria's hot sun on my head... wait! That heat is real! I felt a heat rising from my head and opened my eyes. MY HAIR WAS BLUE!!!! Dark, dark, dark, blackish blue!!!! Oh shit! I was seeing what color my mother was gonna turn me when she sees what I did!!!!!
"MISS!!!"" OH MISS!!!!!!" HEYYyyyyyy!!!!" I called out kinda frantically.
The cock-eyed cutter appeared from the back room holding a Twinkie and was wiping the corner of her mouth.
"Yea?" She said, looking at the ceiling with one eye and at my right shoulder with the other.
"Why am I blue???", I asked.
"Die or sit up and wait...." she mumbled at me with bits of golden Twinkie falling into her hand.
"HUH???", I asked slowly shaking my head, "What did you say?"
The lazy eye was now looking at me as she cocked her head to her right and swallowed.
"Dye has to set up.... wait.", she said. Then she told me that it all looks like that at first and she disappeared behind the curtain again to the back area.
I trusted her. So, I closed my eyes and tried to conjure back my relaxed mood. I couldn't see the French Mediterranean anymore, but I COULD see my stylist with huge googly eyes glued to her head.... I snickered in my chair. I hope that my stylist's hair talents were better than her legal vision status.
Finally, the "DING!!!" of a timer sounded and she once more appeared smiling. She coaxed me over to a basin chair and washed out the dye. Then, she said it looked good... natural. I was relieved, but not completely. God only knows what looked natural to her. I wanted to see it for myself. After about 5 minutes of washing and conditioning and drying, my biopic barberer directed me back to my styling chair. I looked in the mirror and saw a person I thought I recognized. It was me with black hair and something else... I had eyebrows!!!! She dyed my eyebrows and I could actually see them. I have really cute eyebrows, if I do say so myself. I was happy with the cut, the dye, and spent the rest of the time up till she called me over to pay wiggling my eyesbrows up and down in different goofy and sexy expressions.
I like the hair. I am not convinced that I will keep it forever, but for now I am really happy with it. Leave a comment of what you think!!!! Who knows, once the color neutrilizes and looks more natural in like 48 hours, I may decide once black never back... at least to blonde!