Saturday, January 16, 2010

I fell into the Sea

Pools of blue shimmering ice
chill me till I'm sore.
Fiery touch, so warm and nice,
burn me to my core.
Soft petals of a masculine rose,
lips so soft and wet,
embrace and trace my own
and makes me completely forget...
What was I saying?
Who am I?
My heart keeps playing
the same fast lullaby.
Within, without me,
I fell so unfathomably whole.
Near me, hear me...
this jubilation inside my soul!
Love is grand and life is better
than I ever knew it could be.
The ocean's sand, soft and wetter
collapses beneath me.
Another wave sends me reeling
in this swoon that I am feeling,
until I lay on the beach so prone...
tired, hot, and never alone.
You are the Sun!
You are the Sky!
that shines in my eye
of a deeper and richer blue...
within is the reflection of solely YOU!


Hey BlogReaders! Today is the first day that I have written in a VERY long time; I have much interesting news to detail.
I have just returned from an.... ummmm... INTERESTING... trip from Colorado with my housemate. We both had altitude sickness very bad. I didn't suffer near as much as he. But, I wasn't spared the horrifying embarrassment when he started blowing chunks off the chairlift! I just pretended to be looking out at the gorgeous mountains, even though the echoing resoundment of my housemate'w gut-wrenching heaves were rather apparent... plus, the bile material showering the slope and skiers below. It was surreal! LOL!
Now, back at home, I feel rather good being 250ft above sea-level, as opposed to 12, 998 ft. above the majestic sea. My house if fine, my cats are fine, and my new flame is SOOOOO FUCKING FINE!!!! MAN, IS HE FINE! All I have to do is think of him and I tingle.... LOL!
I know, I know... I sound completely irrational and rathe pathetic in my infatuation and emotional overembellishment, but HE MOVES ME!!!! If you only knew HOW he moves me.... he he he! Well, that is all I am going to tell you bitches. The rest is left to the imagination, even though your imaginations WILL fall short in comparison to my reality. HINTL: My nickname is "Gumby" and his is "Pokey"... do the math and stew in your envy!!!!! LOL! Enough for now. I will post more later! Till then, stay tuned and enjoy! :)