Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Star Troopers

In the distance they shine, glimmer, and gleam.
They hang from the Heaven's, an elite removed team.
They believe the planets revolve around their glow,
failing to realize you reap what you sow.
Your light must be bright and life giving
to be the center of an orbit of the living.
Stars they are or fancy to be,
yet they are full of gas and self-absorbed completely
held in tact by zero gravitational force...
Tug on one slightly and it falls, dramatically of course!
Imagine the fear when a star topples from grace,
pulled down to earth from a once lofty space.
Ones who looked up, must now look straight in the eye
all of their illusions as they curl up and die.
Self-polished Gods dethroned and made mortal,
somehow fell down and phased through the portal
to a place that they fear was sheer hell;
they've fallen from grace to where real humans dwell.
Ones who knew everything, now everything knows who
truly doesn't know what they should do.
Ones who feel nothing, or so they try to make us believe,
come face to face with emotion and have no reprieve.
They tear, kick, and bite those that are near
to outlet the pain, frustration and fear
of losing control and that comfortable space,
high above everyone in that safe lofty place.
Now comes the test of how God-like they really are.
Will they fade from sight, yet another fallen star?
Will they say in the end
words their actions don't reflect?
Will they try to mend
the indifference they protect?
Will they make the first move
to retract the stone that they threw?
Will they try to prove
something they never knew?
Or will they sit alone, silent, and still...
in an emptiness they can't ever fill?
The only good that can rise
from a helpless fallen star
is that they may realize
how truly loving we are.
Though they expose their true identity,
we have our own little piece of serenity
in knowing ourselves as the people we are:
the people strong enough to carry a poor fallen star.
As we carry the fallen in their disgrace
we must also tend the emergency we face
of stoking the flames of the truest Sun
and caring for the star that gave life to everyone.


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

I love how you can take one thing and parallel with something else and it totally makes sense. I love that!

1:02 AM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

Thanks Roo!!! I am glad you appreciate my skillz! LMAO!

9:26 PM  

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