Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Taking off the mask...

Well, Halloween is over and everyone must revert back to the normal existence of being who they are; for some of us that is a good thing, for others it isn't that fun, and for me it is a very odd experience. All in all, I have an incredible memory. However, I can not seem to remember too much about myself when I compare it to the banks of memories I have about my sister, my parents, or any other member of my family that I was around often.
Novemeber is six months after my birthday, or the retro equinox of my being, which means it is my greatest time of reflection. (Yes, Roo, yours is in September... funny isn't it!? Been thinkin' about your life alot lately???LOL ) I am now confronted with my memories and feelings towards myself. Don't get me wrong, it is NOT a bad thing! My recollection of myself is very fragmented, making me wonder more about myself. My childhood was not a smooth one. My mother just visited and I mentioned what I wnted to do and she seemed upset by the notion a little; that made me feel a bit funny. All I said was that I was thinking of contacting Dr. Ernest Fruge' and Christine Adams, my child psychologists in Houston, TX. I want my childhood records and any other records that I may be mentioned in; being in the field of Psychology, it is no large task for me to do so. But, the reactiojn of my mother was uncanny, to say the least. She asked me why I would want to do that. I told her, "Well, given my education I think it would give me alot of insight into myself." My mother, being the wonderful lay she is, volunteered some information. She said that I always felt threatened as a child, that I did not trust anyone including her. She said that I drew pictures of my family with everyone standing next to eachother and me over to the right in the form of a dog with a human head. I was absolutely floored by that! In my past, I have described my rolein the family as that of a dog, or a beast of burden, or even a neglected showdog... everyone's favorite when I was in the limelight of a social event, yet completely left in the kennel when not. I listened to her tell me things about myself that I guess I already knew deep down inside, but never engaged. As a psychology student approaching grad school, I can see a little more than the lay person. So, this tidbit of information made me more determined to find more pieces of my undisclosed biography. I ended up finding Dr. Ernest Fruge' with no problem what-so-ever. He even vaguely remembered me. It was interesting to see the workings of two psychology-oriented people speak; it was a fluent and meaningful conversation. I was analyzing him while he was analyzing me! It was neat! He asked me how I was doing and was surprised to see how well I am... I was like HUH??? He said that HE actually would worry about me and it used to make him question his professional detachment ability. He was deeply affected by my "talented and expressive way of conveying my emotions and thoughts". He admitted that he was almost sure that I would end up killing myself or someone else if I didn't find some outlet or peace in my life. I thought that was rather brazen of him to admit, but he isn't practicing privately anymore. He now works for Baylor School of Medicine in Houston, TX. He helps people deal with cancer-related tragedies and helping families cope with diagnosises.
He seemed very impressed with my aspirations and recognized the accomplishments that I achieved. It felt good to see that someone who actually understood psychology-based academics lingo. Long story- short, he is going to find my information and mail it to me pronto! I was exhilirated!!! He also told me that if I contact Chrisine Adams, his wife, that I can get any historical documentation where I am mentioned; I knew that I had rights to my personal records, but I didn't know that Texas law allows me to see any records where I am directly referred to... I was flabbergasted at his efficiency and willingness to help me. So, now I will not only get my own records, but any records that may deal with me as a child. What that equates to is: I will get to see a psychologists view of me and my situation at the time, with the bonus of being able to review insights from my parents' perspectives and personal views of me and themselves. Being a psychology major, I can read these documents with ease and interpret them much like my sister can with medical lingo. So, I am excited!!! I really hope that this information allows me the opportunity to fill in some of the emotional blanks that I have in my memory and in my life. After all, knowing one's self is knowing everything you really need to know!


Blogger MiCheleLynnX said...

Hey Bro, Interesting. I felt the same as Fruge about the fact that you might lose it one were stressed, nervous and no matter what you did, it seemed wrong...when all the while I think you were just being a kid...a normal kid...trying to be a normal the nervousness and stress came from trying to do the right things but that was also wrong...if that makes any sense...I think mom and dad did their best under their own stressed circumstances...from my medical view point...I think we were a family in "crisis"...anything that changes or effects one family member effected us all...(and there was plenty going on from all directions)in Texas with all that was going on and then moving and having to stop treatment too soon, threw us for another tail spin in New Jersey. Even as young as I was and even in NJ when we were older, I knew the micromanagement of you had to stop...but the trust on either side wasn't the cycle repeated and repeated...until you had to leave...and even though you left and went to Florida never to live with our family again...there were still and maybe still is unresolved issues YOU need to resolve for YOU and your own peace of mind. I can understand that completely...and I can understand your substance abuse as well...I never thought you to be a third wheel or an outcast in our family...after all you were my big brother, always MY security blanket...(here's a funny story that has been on my mind) when you went to pre-school, I was left home all by myself...I used to have a fit...a screaming, crying breakdown b/c you weren't home with me...I used to throw myself at the front door crying and screaming at mom,"I want MY JAMIE!!!!" LMAO...I was so upset...The world had done me wrong by sending you to school! funny is that??? need to do what you have to always my support 100% <33333

1:47 PM  
Blogger virtual madness unleashed said...

Well, I think you are right on the point!!! As usual, your perception is on key... Damnm, you have a good perception!!!! LOL! Thanks for your words of encouragement; I love the fact that you are behind me all the way!!! I am siked to get the opportunity to look at my own records!!! It is exciting and I can't wait for the opportunity to delve into my own mind and past!!! I will blog about it!!! Until then, I love ya, Sis!!! You are and always will be MY MICHELE!!!

7:10 PM  

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