Sunday, October 30, 2005

The most dangerous thing in the World is pure ignorance...

Every once in a while, you run into someone that blindly follows an idea that they truly do not understand; these people use the self-manipulated "understanding" they have as a crutch to finally foster some type of positive self-concept when they spent most of their life hearing the obvious, that they were plain stupid... These people will NOT let go of the first thing that ever made them feel equal to the rest of us... I'm sure you know one. The whole world is crazy, not them... They NEED their illusion to feel equal, JUST EQUAL!!! Sooner or later the illusion begins to fade and they have to try pushing it on someone to reaffirm and bring it back to life... much like a bullied person bullies another or a drug addict needs another fix, just a larger dose... I WANT TO SMACK THESE PEOPLE!!! But, I also know that as a rule of sociology, culture is not parallel... many cultures can exist at the same time and be of different technological levels of advancement... Yeah... We smart people have to live and put up with all you dipshits! Us Democrats have to put up with you republicans! We spiritual people must put up with you religious shells of a human... etc... But, it doesn't stop there... Stipidity is a global epidemic, especially among the underevolved...
The Difference Between Traditional Healers and Witchcraft in Africa
Journalist Bamuturaki Musinguzi recently talked to Dr. Nelson Musoba, a programme consultant with the Private-Public Partnership in Health (PPPH), about the African government's decision to regulate and protect traditional healers. Because community members often see a traditional healer before they seek out medical treatments, the government has decided to train and educate these healers on safe and sanitary medical best practices. The problem is that traditional healers are often mistaken as practicing witchcraft and victimized and/or killed so they're taking preventitive action to distance these healers from witches. Here's a lengthy example:
What is the difference between witchcraft and traditional healers and how will the law draw the boundaries? Witchcraft is a very negative practice and concentrates on doing bad to a person while traditional and complimentary medicine looks at bringing good health to an individual.There is the Witchcraft Act, which spells out clearly how the trade should be dealt with.The draft policy lays down who a traditional healer is, the accreditation, licensing, control, regulation and how one gets into healing. And the purpose of the policy really is to ensure that a statutory council comes into place so that it is able to stamp out the current bad practices of human sacrifices and mutilation, many of which we get to know of from the media.Why is it that witchcraft has painted the entire practice as evil? It is common that negative things are over pronounced and one bad thing will destroy all the good done and that is why witchcraft has taken a large share of the bad advisement of the industry.There are many good things that healers do but they may not have been very strategic in marketing themselves because it is believed that over 60 percent of the population will either contact healers as the first point before going to a health facility or resort to them when they have failed to get a cure from the health facility. And if indeed the practice were bad, then we would not be having such a large number of the population relying on traditional healers.How is the government going to bring traditional medicine on board the main health delivery systems? First of all, the traditional healers are found in the communities so they can be trained on methods of hygiene, used as conduits of other community health programmes (pass on messages that do not need a high level technical knowledge), offer safe practice and discourage them from things that endanger health.The intention to work with traditional healers is both to strengthen them in what they are doing and also to get them to work on the government programmes.


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