Sunday, November 06, 2005

Lightening Up

After my bout with the darkness within me, I can say I feel better to pour out my heart and find that it still beats in my chest. I am happy once again. Time is relative; whenever I feel that my life is ticking away, each second is another diamond turned to dust- a fantastic loss! But, as I said, time is relative... A second is a second and I can not do ANYTHING right now that is not regimented. I must make the most of whatever I am allowed to do while under the lock and kkey of a political system that sees me as nothing but a mere number; I can scream, "I AM HUMAN!!! I AM A REAL PERSON!!!" The fact remains that the political structure is not, and I waste my breath with utterances and noises that do not calculate to words in a political confine. Time to lighten up... Sit back, relax, and waste some time. After all, next Saturday, I take my GRE subject test; I will fail it miserably. Then, it is a small leap to Thanksgiving. After that is shopping season, which I can do by internet and whip out the old credit card and one-you-three-for-me my way to Christmas day. After Christmas, is visitation by family members. Then I am less than a month away from freedom and it is time to do my planning... I am ready to start the shit!!! So, in symbolism of my lightening up... I am reverting to my natural self! I am going back to blonde... Yes, I sit here with the chemicals drying out my already thinning fishing line hair as I write this, turning lighter by the moment. Soon, I will be closer to what I am supposedto be. At least I know I can go black and come back kickin'... Cheers to me and all my crew. (And then I end up with green hair.... LMAO!!!)


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