Sunday, October 30, 2005

Pre-school and Puppers Prenumpts...

Toddlers Married to Puppies to Ward Off Evil!!!!???
This article was a bit bizarre. I'd be interested to learn more about the ritual.
Two small boys and two girls were married off to four puppies by tribal villagers in Jharkhand to ward off 'evil', a report said yesterday.Local officials in Kuluptang village in Jharkhand said the 'kukur vibaha' or dogs' marriages, were organised on the last day of a local tribal festival, PTI said.One of the tribals, 54-year-old Sonamuni, who blessed the marriage of her three-year-old grand-daughter Priya, said the wedding was no less important than other such ceremonies and all customs normally associated with marriage were followed.The mother of 'groom' Durga, aged one, said that if the first tooth of a baby came out in the upper jaw it was considered 'inauspicious' for the child as well as the family and dog marriages had to be performed. After a bath, the children are taken to a place of worship in a procession accompanied by a band.


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